- From: Marco Sbodio <marco.sbodio@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 12:13:44 +0200
- To: "pan zhedan" <panzhedan@gmail.com>
- Cc: public-sws-ig@w3.org
Hi Pan, OWL-S has the notion of parameterType, which is an owl:DatatypeProperty whose domain is process:ProcessVar (ProcessVar is the super-class of Paramter, Input, Output, etc.; see the OWL-S ontology process.owl). parameterType allows you to define the type of a parameter, specifying a URI eventually pointing to a concept in some ontology. I hope this answer your question. Best Regards marco On 6/15/07, pan zhedan <panzhedan@gmail.com> wrote: > Dear web service lovers: > > I have a question about datatype of parameters for web serivce in OWL_S. > I think datatype is very important for web service composition, why datatype > is not considered in OWL_S? > When it will be included in OWL_S? > > Thanks. > Pan Zhedan > Information and communications university > Sourth Korea -- Marco Sbodio perl -e 'while(++$_){print$_,$/if("x"x$_)!~/^(xx+)\1+$/}'
Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2007 10:13:51 UTC