- From: Djoerd Hiemstra <sigir07@cs.utwente.nl>
- Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 17:21:56 +0100
- To: public-sws-ig@w3.org
------------------------------------------------------------------------ SIGIR 2007 News letter for February 2007 The 30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference 23-27 July 2007, Amsterdam ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In this edition: 1. Dead line for posters, demos, workshops and tutorials approaching 2. More paper submissions than ever before 3. Microsoft - the first Diamond Sponsor 4. Industry Day on final day of the conference 5. Call for workshops and tutorials 6. Call for posters and demonstrations 7. Call for doctoral consortium 8. Important Dates ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Dead line for posters, demos, workshops and tutorials approaching Authors are invited to submit proposals for poster presentations, demonstrations, workshops and tutorials. Please read the submission guidelines on http://www.sigir2007.org/submissions.html The dead line for sending in proposals is 25 February 2007. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. More paper submissions than ever before The SIGIR program chairs reported 491 paper submissions, an increase of 92 compared to last year, and a new record for this conference. The program committee will prepare a program with more papers than last year to keep the acceptance rates at a reasonable level. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Microsoft - the first Diamond Sponsor We are happy to announce that Microsoft supports SIGIR in Amsterdam at the Diamond level! Sponsor donations allow the conference registration fees to be kept as low as possible, both to promote attendance and to offset the cost of events and provide services and items that benefit all involved in the event. Thank you Microsoft! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Industry Day on final day of the conference SIGIR Amsterdam will be the first SIGIR conference to be followed by a special day for information retrieval practitioners and companies. Jan Pedersen, Chief Scientist for the Search and Marketplace Division of Yahoo!, chairs the organisation of this Industry Day. Jan will be supported by Martine Kunel of TNO Information and Communication Technology, and Bernd Wondergem of Thaesis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Call for workshops and tutorials Proposals are solicited for one-day or half-day workshops to be held on July 27, 2007, the last day of the conference. The purpose of SIGIR workshops is to provide a platform for presenting novel ideas in a less formal and possibly more focused way than the conference itself. As such, they also offer a good opportunity for young researchers to present their work and to obtain feedback from an interested community. The format of each workshop is to be determined by the organizers, but it is expected that they contain ample time for general discussion. Workshop proposals must be sent by email to the Workshops Chair, Josiane Mothe by February 25, 2007. Read more on: http://www.sigir2007.org/cfw.html Proposals are solicited for tutorials of either a half-day (3 hours plus breaks) or full day (6 hours plus breaks) on all topics of information retrieval and its applications. Especially encouraged are (1) cross-disciplinary tutorials that educate the IR community about recent technical advancements in related fields (e.g., machine learning, natural language processing, data mining); (2) tutorials about emerging application areas of information retrieval technologies (e.g., Web, bioinformatics). Tutorial proposals must be sent via email by February 25, 2007 to the Tutorial Chair, ChengXiang Zhai. Read more: http://www.sigir2007.org/cft.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Call for posters and demonstrations Poster presentations offer researchers a unique opportunity to present late-breaking results, significant work in progress, or research that is best communicated in an interactive or graphical format. They further provide researchers with an opportunity to obtain direct feedback about their work from a wide range of persons during the poster session. Posters should focus on problems and methodology of the presented research. Extended abstracts describing the work will be reviewed and published in the conference proceedings. Please note however, that posters describing work at the proposal stage will not be accepted. Submissions need to be received by February 25, 2007. Read more on: http://www.sigir2007.org/cfposters.html Demonstrations present first-hand experience with research prototypes or operational systems. They provide opportunities to exchange ideas gained from implementing IR systems and to obtain feedback from expert users. Demonstration submissions are welcomed in any of the areas identified in the call for papers. One-page demonstration abstracts will appear in the conference proceedings. Demonstration proposals must be submitted by February 25, 2007. Read more on: http://www.sigir2007.org/cfd.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Call for doctoral consortium The ACM SIGIR Doctoral Consortium provides doctoral students with a unique opportunity to have substantive interaction with other researchers regarding their proposed dissertation research. The objectives of the Doctoral Consortium are: * To provide a forum where doctoral students can present and discuss their proposed research with experienced IR researchers the members of the Doctoral Consortium Program Committee. * To give students an opportunity to establish a supportive community of other doctoral students at the same stage of their dissertation research as themselves. The Consortium will take place on the same day as the Tutorials, with the format being: student presentations with plenary discussions, lunch, individual meetings with experienced researchers, and dinner. Submissions must arrive on or before March 11, 2007. Read more on: http://www.sigir2007.org/cfdc.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8. Important Dates February 25, 2007: Poster, demonstration, tutorial, and workshop submissions March 11, 2007: Doctoral consortium submissions due April 11, 2007: Notification of acceptance for all submissions July 23-27, 2007: Conference in Amsterdam See also: http://www.sigir2007.org Syndication: http://www.sigir2007.org/news/feed.rss NewsLetter: Send SUBSCRIBE <FIRSTNAME> <LASTNAME> to sigir07@cs.utwente.nl (leave the list at any time sending "SIGNOFF SIGIR2007") Contact: info@sigir2007.org
Received on Thursday, 15 February 2007 16:22:54 UTC