- From: Eduardo Gomes <egomes@ict.swin.edu.au>
- Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 13:08:11 +1100
- To: <public-sws-ig@w3.org>
- Cc: "'Eduardo Gomes'" <egomes@ict.swin.edu.au>
============================================================================ = Call For Papers 2007 International Conference on Complex Open Distributed Systems (CODS'2007) Chengdu, China, 22-24 July 2007 http://xiaglow-research.org.uk/CODS2007/ Technical Co-Sponsored by IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (pending) System and Information Sciences Notes (SISN Journal, ISSN 1753-2310) ============================================================================ * Apologies for cross-postings. Please send it to interested colleagues and students. Thank you! One of the most distinguishing requirements upon Information and Communication Technologies is today's ever-changing, highly open dynamic environments in which large-scale ICT systems are placed to operate. Challenges for ICT systems engineering immediately arise including, e.g., systems scalability, systems ultra-dependability, systems convergence against uncertainty and emergence, and so forth. In recent years, emergence, adaptation, self-organization, self-management, etc. have received extensive interests in both academics and industries of software, computing and communications. As a timely response to these developing trends both in ICT academics and industries, the 2007 International Conference on Complex Open Distributed Systems (CODS'2007) aims to provide a focal forum for active researchers, practitioners, developers, and industrial professionals and academics from diversified domains and with diversified backgrounds to get together, to share latest research achievements and practical experiences, to exchange in-depth findings and innovative ideas, and in particular to harness the greatest challenges and think seriously into the future. We have been looking forward to seeing you at CODS'2007. Chengdu welcomes you! Publication Accepted and registered papers of the Conference will be published in the international journal: System and Information Sciences Notes (ISSN 1753-2310), both in CD-ROM and print which are available for all participants at the Conference. After the Conference, authors are invited to submit fully expanded and revised versions of their original papers to International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications (ISSN 1751-1461), for possible further publication. Important Dates 15 April 2007 Full-paper Submission (cutoff: your local time 24:00 o'clock) 04 May 2007 Return of Peer Review (IPC members) 11 May 2007 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection 25 May 2007 Proposals on Tutorials 08 June 2007 Camera Ready Version (accepted papers) & Early-Bird Registration (cutoff: your local time 24:00 o'clock) 22-24 July 2007 Conference Submission of a manuscript should be in a PDF file and be sent to < sisn@xiaglow-research.org.uk >, explicitly indicating "CODS2007" and the Technical Track # to which your paper is submitted. Proposals on tutorials should be sent to the Tutorial Chairs. Scope Areas of particular interest include 12 thematic Technical Tracks: Track 1 Grid Computing, and Virtual Organization Systems Track 2 Service Oriented Architectures in Computing and Communications Track 3 High Performance Autonomous Computing Track 4 Internet, and Web Services Track 5 Emergence, Self-Organization, and Adaptation Track 6 Open Dynamic Multi-Agent Systems Track 7 Distributed Intelligence and Systems Track 8 Self-Organization and Self-Management in Distributed and Grid Computing Track 9 High Performance Autonomous Networking Track 10 Wireless Networks, and Mobile Communications and Computing Track 11 Self-Organization and Self-Management in Communications Track 12 Industrial System Applications Full lists of indicative topics in each Technical Track are downloadable on the Conference website. General Chair H Tianfield, UK <tianfield@ieee.org> Program Chairs A Y. Zomaya, Australia Porgram Vice Chairs Track 1 J C Cunha, Portugal Track 2 J N de Souza, Brazil N Agoulmine, France Track 3 W Tong, China Track 4 H Yang, UK Z Huang, New Zealand Track 5 G Spezzano, Italy Track 6 J Denzinger, Canada S Hassas, France Track 7 B K M Sim, Hong Kong, China H Zhu, Canada Track 8 A Sztajnberg, Brazil A Andrzejak, Germany Track 9 H Jin, China Track 10 J Cao, Hong Kong, China Track 11 J Strassner, USA Track 12 D Greenwood, Switzerland Tutorial Chairs N Xiao, China Publicity Chairs R Kowalczyk, Australia R Unland, Germany Organizing Chair J Tian, China
Received on Tuesday, 13 February 2007 07:10:15 UTC