Extended Deadline for RIDIS AAAI FALL Symposium




Regarding the "Intelligence" in Distributed Intelligent Systems

Location: Arlington, VA near Washington D.C.

A look across application areas and diverse products reveals that a
re-occurring keyword is "intelligence." In areas such as Web Intelligence
for business applications, coordination of robotic teams for NASA's
exploration vision, DOD's net-centric approach, and network security, all
applications are expected to incorporate "intelligence". The intelligence
may be required for an application to succeed, or it may be an enhancement
over a "dumber" version; the keyword "intelligence" now serves as a system
or product discriminator. "Intelligence" may also emerge from simpler
interactions within the distributed system. The definition and focus of
"intelligence" also seems to be varied. One of the newest application areas
involves "humans in the loop" via distributed social intelligence. An
element of the "intelligence" in this area involves tapping into collective
human opinion. 


The development of "intelligence" is the overarching focus of the artificial
intelligence field. To this end, various paradigms have been developed which
offer approaches to support the development of "intelligence" within an
application. Among these paradigms are the bio-inspired or bio-mimetic,
social or organizational-based, algorithm-based, cognitive, logic-based,
knowledge-based, hybrid, etc. Additionally, methodologies which are utilized
to build intelligent systems may include intelligence technology themselves.

This Symposium will provide a venue to consider, as a set, the (1) paradigms
and associated algorithms that support intelligence and (2) distributed
systems that incorporate intelligence, with enabling methodologies for
expression of intelligence on the system level.  We solicit papers and
proposals for panel or group discussions dealing with, but not limited to,
the following areas:

*	Bio-inspired or bio-mimetic, including artificial immune systems,
ant swarms, digital pheromones 
*	Organizational and social paradigms 
*	Emergent intelligence 
*	Knowledge-based, ontology, semantic technologies 
*	Cognitive-based 

*	Robot teams, robot-human teams 
*	Web intelligence 
*	Smart network security 
*	Situational awareness in the net centric organization 

A key feature of this Symposium is "distributed"; both the algorithmic
support and the applications must involve distributed elements. Our main
interest is in papers that papers that make qualitative distinctions between
the power of different architectural and algorithmic paradigms for
intelligence. We are especially interested in comparative papers, which
attempt to draw qualitative distinctions between the expressive power or the
inferential capacity of these different paradigms. 




The Symposium programming will involve presentations with significant
question-and-answer time, panel sessions, and topic-oriented group
discussion sessions.


While dependent on the responses, we are interested in presenting a mix of


Organizing Committee Members

Margaret Lyell, Intelligent Automation, Inc., Elisa Kendall, Sandpiper
Software, Walt Truszkowski, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Tim Finin,
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Lalana Kagal, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Jason Li, Intelligent Automation, Inc.



Submissions can be position statements, work in progress, or completed work.

[The author kit is available at
http://www.aaai.org/Publications/Author/author.php ]




Submissions are 3-6 pages (in the AAAI format as PDF).


Submissions can now be done in an automated manner, as we have configured a
Conference Manager for this Symposium's papers. Please submit your paper at 



You will need to set up an account in order to submit; please follow the
directions given at the web-site. 



If there are any problems with your submission to the web-site, please

 mlyell@i-a-i.com.  SUBJECT LINE to Read




Important Dates


Paper/Panel Proposal/ Break-out Group Submission         May 10, 2007


May 21, 2007

November 8-11, 2007







             -- The Organizers





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Received on Wednesday, 25 April 2007 22:13:33 UTC