Final Call for Papers: DEECS 2007 at ACM EC'07 - 3rd International Workshop on Data Engineering Issues in E-Commerce and Services - deadline extended

++ Deadline for submission: April 30, 2007 (extended) ++

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Call for Papers:
3rd International Workshop on Data Engineering Issues
in E-Commerce and Services (DEECS 2007)

In conjunction with the
8th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC’07)
June 12, 2007, San Diego, California

++ Deadline for submission: April 30, 2007 (extended) ++
++ Full papers (14 pages) and position papers (6 pages) invited ++
++ Postproceedings as Springer LNCS (*) ++
++ more information at ++


Workshop Theme
As part of their e-business activities, enterprises create, share,
recombine, and process an ever increasing amount of data and documents
that range from simple transactional data to complex business process
definitions. In many respective processes, multiple spheres overlap,
e.g. (1) inter- with intra-organizational data sources in collaborative
processes, (2) master data with transactional data, (3) regular data
with behavioral aspects of processes, or (4) facts with normative
assertions. Since business entities are members of multiple value
chains, same as data sources are often used in multiple contexts and
processes, there are often conflicting requirements on the
representation of such data.
All this in combination makes e-business data engineering a very
challenging task, already at the level of a single company but even more
in value chains.  Also, respective modeling choices may have
long-lasting and far reaching impact, and affect (1) operational
efficiency, (2) business process agility, (3) the range of analytical
tasks for decision support, and (4) strategic options. Eventually, those
choices determine the current and future degree of automation in content
and process integration.

While e-business standards in general help, standardization alone does
not solve the problem. This is because yielding a consensual
representation takes time, consumes resources, and constrains an
entity’s ability to capture individual details. Moreover,

the cost of implementing and enforcing the standards
is sometimes prohibitive for small businesses. Proprietary
representations, on the other hand, hamper interoperability, and
complicate B2B integration. In service-oriented architectures (SOAs),
this complexity is further increased by the behavioral dimension of
e-business interactions, e.g. services choreography and orchestration.

This workshop aims at providing a venue for discussion and the exchange
of ideas on data and knowledge engineering issues in the dynamic
environment of e-business, enterprise computing, and business services
and transformation.

In particular, we are inviting papers, posters, and hands-on
demonstrations on the following topics:

* Business data integration
* Business data management
* Business data privacy and security
* Business decision support
* Business intelligence
* Business modeling and analysis
* Business process integration
* Business process management
* Business process monitoring
* Business process intelligence
* Business transformation outsourcing
* Business data privacy and security
* Business value and cost modeling and analysis
* Case studies and applications
* Corporate knowledge management
* Customer relationship management
* Decision support systems
* E-commerce content
* E-commerce standards
* Enterprise application integration
* Enterprise architecture
* E-procurement and sourcing
* Folksonomies and collaborative tagging in business applications
* Human resources management
* Legal applications
* Ontology and semantic web
* Product catalog management
* Product lifecycle management
* Product specification standardization
* Semantic business process management
* Semantics supported business intelligence
* Semantic web services
* Sensors and actuators
* Service oriented architecture
* Solution design and delivery
* Specification and monitoring of service-level agreements
* Supply chain management
* Tools tailored to applications in these areas
* Ubiquitous / context-aware services
* Virtual enterprises
* Web services

Paper Submission and Publication
We invite short position papers (up to 6 pages) and full paper (up to 14
pages) in Springer LNCS format. For format details and templates, see

All papers must be submitted using the workshop conference management
system available at

At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the
conference and workshop and must attend the workshop. Only papers
presented at the workshop will be included in the post-proceedings. Same
as in 2006, the DEECS post-proceedings are planned to be published as
Springer LNCS (*).

(*) subject to final approval.

Review Process
Each paper will typically be reviewed by three members of the Program
Committee. Reviewers will score submissions according to their
contribution, originality/novelty, technical depth/merit, and quality of
presentation. For short position papers, clarity of exposition and the
degree of innovation will be sufficient, while for full papers, a clear
technical contribution is expected.

Important Dates
April 30, 2007		Submission of papers (extended)
May 14, 2007 		Notification of acceptance
May 29, 2007 		Camera-Ready version for on-site hand-outs due
June 12, 2007 		Workshop
July 1, 2007	 	Camera-Ready versions for papers to be included in the

Organizing Committee

* General Chairs

Sang-goo Lee, Seoul National University, Korea
Juhnyoung Lee, IBM T.J. Watson Center, USA

* Program Chairs		
Martin Hepp, DERI, University of Innsbruck
Mehmet Sayal, Hewlett-Packard Labs, USA

* Proceedings and Web Chair
Junho Shim, Sookmyung Women's University, Korea

* Advisory Committee
Christoph Bussler, Cisco Systems, Inc., USA	
Rakesh Mohan, IBM T.J. Watson Center, USA
Simon Shim, SAP, USA

Program Committee
Witold Abramowicz
Luciano Baresi
Ron Cao
Juno Chang
Francois Charoy
Rada Chirkova
Jonghoon Chun
Tommaso Di Noia
Remco Dijkman
Vivian Ding
Asuman Dogac
Frank-Dieter Dorloff
Schahramr Dustdar
Johann Eder
Michael Eßig
Mohand-Said Hacid
Birgit Hofreiter
Christian Huemer
Takayuki Ito
Panos Kalnis
Eva-Maria Kern
Myungho Kim
Axel Kupper
Kyuchul Lee
Claudia Linnhoff-Popien
Peter Loos
Shigeo Matsubara
Tokuro Matsuo
Andrea Maurino
Massimo Mecella
Brahim Medjahed
Katina Michael
Adrian Mocan
Key Pousttchi
Birgit Proll
Kyuseok Shim
Toramatsu Shintani
Jianwen Su
Reima Suomi
Chun Hua Tian
Klaus Turowski
Susan Urban
Aad Van Moorsel
Marten Van Sinderen
Gottfried Vossen
Boris Vrdoljak
Hannes Werthner

Martin Hepp

Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), University of Innsbruck
Technikerstrasse 21a, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Phone: +43 512 507 6465



Received on Monday, 23 April 2007 06:16:52 UTC