Re: AW: Discussion on Modelling Effects

> [Jan Ortmann]

> There is another question this raises to me. If we have complex
> processes with concurrency, conditionals and loops, how can we get a
> description that PDDL can work with? Wouldn't it be more useful to
> consider planning as Model Checking as some approaches suggest (e.g.
> [1])? 

PDDL is meant to be neutral with regard to planning _methods_, and
various researchers have in fact used model checking to solve problems
expressed in PDDL.  However, for various historical reasons the
planning community has been reluctant to commit to a notation for
representing processes.  (An early version of such a notation has been
essentially abandoned.)

What sort of concurrency did you have in mind that might be important
for semantic-web services?

                                                -- Drew McDermott
                                                   Yale Computer Science Department

Received on Thursday, 7 September 2006 17:28:49 UTC