ODBASE 2006 CFP : Hard Deadline for Abstract Submission

*** Apologies for multiple postings ***

Hard Deadline for Abstract Submission

The 5th International Conference on

Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics

(ODBASE 2006)

Montpellier, France, Oct 29 - Nov 3, 2006


Proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag

As in previous years, the 2006 conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and 
Applications of
Semantics (ODBASE'06) provides a forum for exchanging the latest 
research results on ontologies,
data semantics, and other areas of computing involved in developing the 
Semantic Web.

ODBASE'06 intends to draw a highly diverse body of researchers and 
practitioners by being part
of the Federated Symposium Event "On the Move to Meaningful Internet 
Systems 2006" that co-locates
four conferences: ODBASE'06, DOA'06 (International Symposium on 
Distributed Objects and Applications),
CoopIS'06 (International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems), 
and GADA'06 (International
Symposium on Grid computing, high-performAnce and Distributed Applications).

Of particular relevance to ODBASE'06 are papers that bridge traditional 
between disciplines such as databases, artificial intelligence, 
networking, computational
linguistics, and mobile computing. ODBASE'06 also encourages the 
submission of research and
practical experience papers concerning scalability issues in ontology 
management, information
integration, and data mining, as well as papers that examine the 
information needs of various
applications, including electronic commerce, electronic government, 
mobile systems,
and bioinformatics.

ODBASE'06 will consider two categories of papers: research and 
experience. Research papers must
contain novel, unpublished results. Experience papers must describe 
existing, realistically
large systems. Preference will be given to papers that describe software 
products or systems
that are in wide experimental use.


Specific areas of interest to ODBASE'06 include but are not limited to:

     * Knowledge acquisition, extraction and representation
     * Ontology approaches, models, theories, and languages
     * Ontology evolution
     * Semantic Web Services
     * Hypertext, multimedia, and hypermedia semantics
     * Semi-structured data
     * Management of Large Ontology Bases
     * Ontology modularization
     * Data and ontology integration, merge, alignment, fusion
     * Semantic Middleware
     * Ontological support in location-aware services and mobile 
information systems
     * Information Dissemination
     * Searching and Managing Dynamic Contents
     * Self-organization in Information Systems
     * Emergent semantics in peer-to-peer architectures
     * Data Filtering, Cleansing, and Summarization
     * Metadata Management

Applications, Evaluations, and Experiences in the following domains:

     * Media Archives and Digital Libraries
     * Enterprise-wide Information Systems
     * Web-based Information Systems
     * Web Services
     * Electronic Commerce
     * Electronic Government
     * Scientific Databases
     * Bioinformatics
     * Ubiquitous and Mobile Information Systems

Abstract Submission (hard) Deadline 	May 30, 2006
Paper Submission Deadline	June 10, 2006
Acceptance Notification	August 5, 2006
Final Version Due	August 20, 2006
Conference	October 29, 2006


Papers submitted to ODBASE'06 must not have been accepted for 
publication elsewhere or
be under review for another workshop or conference.

All submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, 
technical soundness, and clarity of expression. All papers will be 
refereed by at least
three members of the program committee, and at least two will be experts 
from industry in
the case of practice reports. All submissions must be in English. 
Submissions must not
exceed 18 pages in the final camera-ready paper style. Submissions must 
be laid out
according to the final camera-ready formatting instructions and must be 
submitted in PDF format.

The paper submission site is located at:


The final proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag as LNCS 
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
Author instructions can be found at:

Failure to comply with the above formatting instructions for submitted 
papers will lead to the
outright rejection of the paper without review.

Failure to commit to presentation at the conference automatically 
excludes a paper from the proceedings.


General Co-Chairs (fedconf@cs.rmit.edu.au)

     * Robert Meersman, VU Brussels, Belgium
     * Zahir Tari, RMIT University, Australia

Program Committee Co-Chairs (odbase2006@cs.rmit.edu.au)

     * Maurizio Lenzerini, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy
     * Erich Neuhold, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
     * VS Subrahmanian, University of Maryland College Park, USA

Local Organising Chair (bella@lirmm.fr)

     * Zohra Bellahsene, University of Montpellier II, France

Publicity Chair (mshacid@bat710.univ-lyon1.fr)

     * Mohand-Said Hacid, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France

Program Committee Members

     * Sibel Adali (Rensselaer Polytechnic Univ., USA)
     * Maristella Agosti (University of Padova, Italy)
     * Bill Andersen (Ontology  Works, USA)
     * Juergen Angele (Ontoprise GmbH, Germany)
     * Franz Baader (University of Dresden, Germany)
     * Sonia Bergamaschi (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy)
     * Alex Borgida (Rutgers University, USA)
     * Christoph Bussler (Cisco Systems, USA)
     * Marco Antonio Casanova (PUC-Rio, Brazil)
     * Silvana Castano (University of Milan, Italy)
     * Tiziana Catarci (Universita' degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", 
     * Giuseppe De Giacomo (University of Roma "La Sapienza", Italy)
     * Stefan Decker (DERI Galway, Ireland)
     * Rainer Eckstein (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, Germany)
     * Johann Eder (University of Vienna, Austria)
     * Nicola Guarino (CNR, Trento, Italy)
     * Mohand Said Hacid (Universite Claude Bernard Lyon, France)
     * Jeff Heflin (Lehigh University, USA)
     * Jim Hendler (University of Maryland, College Park)
     * Edward Hung (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
     * Arantza Illarramendi (Basque Country University, Spain)
     * Vipul Kashyap (Partners HealthCare Systems, USA)
     * Larry Kerschberg (George Mason University, USA)
     * Ross King (Research Studios Austria - DME, Austria)
     * Roger (Buzz) King (University of Colorado, USA)
     * Harumi Kuno (HP Labs)
     * Georg Lausen (University of Freiburg, Germany)
     * Michele Missikoff (CNR, Italy)
     * John Mylopoulos (University of Toronto, Canada)
     * Wolfgang Neijdl (L3C, Germany)
     * Christine Parent (Universite de Lausanne Switzerland)
     * Thomas Risse (Fraunhofer IPSI, Germany)
     * Heiko Schuldt (University Basel, Switzerland)
     * Peter Schwarz (IBM, USA)
     * Peter Spyns (Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium)
     * York Sure (University Karlsruhe, Germany)
     * Sergio Tessaris (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy)
     * David Toman (University of Waterloo, Canada)
     * Guido Vetere (IBM, Italy)
     * Chris Welty (IBM, USA)

Received on Thursday, 25 May 2006 14:14:00 UTC