- From: fomi <fomi@loa-cnr.it>
- Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 19:51:55 +0200
*********************************************** CALL FOR PAPERS Apologies for multiple copies of this message *********************************************** Second International Workshop on Formal Ontologies Meet Industry http://www.loa-cnr.it/fomi December 14-15, 2006 University of Trento ******************************************************** This event is jointly organized by: - Laboratory for Applied Ontology, ISTC-CNR, Trento - University of Trento - University of Verona - Creactive Consulting S.r.l., Affi ******************************************************** Following the great success of the previous edition, we are glad to invite you to attend the second Formal Ontologies Meet Industry Workshop (FOMI 2006). Description =========== FOMI aims to become an international forum where researchers in different disciplines and practitioners of various industry sectors meet to analyze and discuss issues related to methods, theories, tools and applications based on formal ontologies. It is nowadays widely understood that the semantic dimension and model driven approaches play an important role not only in research fields but also in networked economy. In particular, it has emerged that semantic based applications are relevant in distributed systems such as networked organizations, organizational networks, and in distributed knowledge management. Namely, these knowledge models in industry aim at providing a framework for information and knowledge sharing, reliable information exchange, meaning negotiation and coordination between distinct organizations or among members of the same worldwide organization. The business world also considers this issue of strategic relevance and keeps paying particular attention to it because many theoretical results have already been proved effectiveness in real applications like data warehouse construction, information infrastructure definition, and all processes and applications of knowledge management. With the application of new methodologies and techniques in the everyday practice and the accessibility of new theoretical results in this area, developing new tools based on more sophisticated frameworks has become a common need. This is an important reason for the increasing interest in the employment of formal ontologies in fields like medicine, engineering, financial and legal systems, and other business practices. In all these fields, a new emerging trend is to evaluate the interdependencies between theories and methods of formal ontology and the activities, processes, and needs of enterprise organizations. A typical example of this is the evaluation of the benefits that huge organizations can obtain by implementing ontology based systems. Objectives ========== The workshop is a forum to meet and discuss problems, solutions, perspectives and research directions for researchers and practitioners. We welcome papers or project descriptions that aim at applying formal ontologies in industry. In particular, - theoretical studies on formal ontologies committed to provide sound bases for industrial applications and to allow formal representation of corporate knowledge; - business experiences on case studies that single out concrete problems and possible solutions; the experience analysis should provide useful insights on social and strategic aspects that might be relevant in the creation and deployment of formal ontologies as well as useful criteria or methods to evaluate ontologies and their effectiveness in applications. ******************************************************** Topics of Interest ================== Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): - ontology methodologies in business practice; - ontologies and corporate knowledge; - ontologies adaptation within organizations; - formalization of the know-how; - representation of artifacts and design; - representation of functionalities; - representation of knowledge and business processes; - linguistic representation in organizational knowledge; - linguistic problems in organizational standard code and codification processes; - enterprize modeling; - ontology evaluation; - ontology effectiveness; - ontology changes and developments within organizations; - representation of business services; - ontologies and electronic catalogs; - ontologies and e-commerce; - ontologies and marketing; - ontologies in the practice of engineering; - ontologies in the practice of medical sciences; - ontologies in finance; - ontologies and e-government. We also encourage submissions which relate research results from close areas connected to the workshop topics. ******************************************************** Important dates =============== Workshop: December 14-15, 2006 Deadline for paper submissions: July 15, 2006 Notification of acceptance: October 8, 2005 Camera ready submission: November 9, 2006 ******************************************************** Submission and Proceedings ========================== We invite submissions of papers in any of the topics of interest to the workshop. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically as PDF files via e-mail to the following address: fomi@loa-cnr.it Paper maximal length is 10 pages, excluding title page and bibliography. Instructions about format can be found at http://www.loa-cnr.it/fomi Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed and selected on the basis of technical quality, relevance of the described experiences (depending on the type of submission), and clarity of the presentation for the workshop. In particular, we insist that papers should be written for a wide audience. Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop, and published as proceedings. Accepted papers will be electronically published on CD and distributed to participants. Following FOMI 2005, a selection of the best papers accepted at the workshop will be considered for publication in the international journal ''Applied Ontology''. ******************************************************** Program Committee (to be completed) =================================== Chair: Nicola Guarino (LOA-CNR, Italy -- guarino@loa-cnr.it) Matteo Cristani (University of Verona -- cristani@univr.it) Stefano Borgo (LOA-CNR, Italy -- borgo@loa-cnr.it) Miltidias Lydras (Athens University of Economics & Business, Greece -- mdl@aueb.gr) York Sure (Institut AIFB Universit‰t Karlsruhe, Germany -- sure@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de) Paulo Leitao (Polytechnic Institute of BraganÁa, Portugal -- pleitao@ipb.pt) Roberta Cuel, University of Trento, Italy -- roberta.cuel@unitn.it Francesco Bellomi, University of Verona, Italy -- bellomi@sci.univr.it Roberta Ferrario, LOA ISTC-CNR, Italy -- ferrario@loa-cnr.it ******************************************************** Please do not hesitate to contact any of the Organizing Committee members for further details. ********************************************************
Received on Monday, 22 May 2006 17:59:40 UTC