CFP: 3rd Int. Workshop on Semantic and Dynamic Web Process (SDWP2006)


                        | Call for Papers |



                 Third International Workshop on


                 Semantic and Dynamic Web Process 


                         (SDWP 2006)


                    In conjunction with the

    2006 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'2006)

            September 18-22, 2005, Chicago, USA



Previous workshops: 


The contributions from the first workshop were published in the Lecture
Notes in

Computer Science (LNCS) series (Vol. 3387). Selected, revised and extended

contributions from the second workshop were published the book 

"Semantic Web Services, Processes and Applications", Cardoso, J. Sheth, A.,
by Springer.

This year the contributions will be published by the IEEE society.



SDWP Workshop aims and Objectives


Organizations are increasingly faced with the challenge of managing
e-business systems and e-commerce

applications managing Web services and Web processes. Web services promise
universal interoperability

and integration.

Several researchers agree that it is essential for Web services to be
machine understandable in order

to support all the phases of the lifecycle of Web processes. The intelligent
combination of Web services

and the Semantic Web can start off a technological revolution with the
development of Semantic Web

Processes. These processes can bring together autonomous and heterogeneous
applications, data, services,

and components residing in distributed environments. These technological
advances can ultimately lead

to a new breed of Web-based applications.

The major goal of the workshop is to bring researchers, scientists from both
industry and academics,

and representatives from different communities together to study,
understand, and explore the phases

that compose the lifecycle of Semantic Web Processes.

In particular, we wish to emphasize the research and technological issues
related to supporting more

flexible, dynamic and scalable Web processes to meet the advanced needs of
the organizational processes

in the networked global economy.


Topics of Interest


The theme of the workshop is: Semantic and Dynamic Web Processes. One of the
main points

of this workshop is to focus on one of the most promising solution to
support all

Web Process lifecycle phases, the use semantics. Semantics include rich

of Web services and Web processes that can be used by computers for
automatic processing

in various applications. While enterprises have sought to apply semantics to
manage and

exploit data or content, for example to support data integration, Web
Processes are the

way to exploit their applications, increasingly made interoperable as Web


Submissions are invited that focus specifically on the challenges in
applying semantics

to each of the steps in the Semantic Web Process lifecycle. In particular we

the role of semantics in:


  - Annotation (Semantic Annotation of Web Services)

  - Discovery (Semantic Web Service Discovery)

  - Composition (Semantic Process Composition)

  - Process Execution/Enactment (Semantic Web Process Orchestration), and
Quality of Service

    of Semantic Web Processes


We invite researchers and experts of web service and semantics to submit
original research

papers as well as reports on work in progress related to Semantic Web
Process lifecycle.

Suggested topics include but are not restricted to: 


- Semantic Web Processes

- Dynamic Web Processes

- Web Processes Lifecyle

- Use of Semantics in Annotation, Discovery, Composition, and Orchestration

  Web Services and Processes

- Semantic Selection of Web Services

- Semantic Web Process Quality of Service 

- Dynamic Changes and Composition of Semantic Web Processes

- Web Process Reasoning

- Web Processes Complexity

- Ontological representation of QoS and Execution Semantics

- Exploiting Domain Specific Semantics for Web Services (e.g. domains
include, but

  not limited to, bioinformatics, telecommunication, travel, financial, and

- SOA and Grid Computing with dynamic allocation and semantics

- Workflow Technologies and Semantics

- Standards extensions (incl. WSDL, UDDI, BPEL) to support dynamic

  and semantics



Paper Submission and Review


Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are
not being

Considered in another forum. Submitted manuscripts will be limited to 8
(IEEE Proceedings style)

pages and required to be formatted using the IEEE Proceedings template.
Please follow the

IEEE Computer Society Press Proceedings Author Guidelines to prepare your

At least one author is required to attend the conference and present the
paper. An electronically

submitted abstract will be required prior to the submission of the full
paper. Electronic

submission of manuscripts (in PDF or Word formats) is required. Submissions
should include

the paper title, abstract, name of authors, their affiliations, emails
addresses, and postal

addresses. In addition, the author responsible for correspondence should
include his/her

telephone number and complete email address.

Please go to for
more details.


Papers submitted to the workshop will undergo a peer-review process. 


On this year's edition, we have set up an online submission and reviewing
system so that the

whole track management process is simplified. Please go to to submit
your paper.



Important Dates


Papers submission deadline: April 29, 2006

Author notification:        May 21, 2006

Camera ready:               Jun 4, 2006

Workshop:                   Sep 18, 2006


Workshop Organization


Jorge Cardoso, University of Madeira, Portugal, jcardoso@uma,pt

Amit Sheth, University of Georgia, USA,

Rama Akkiraju, IBM TJ Watson Research Center Hawthorne, USA,


PC Members


Anca-andreea Ivan, IBM

Biplav Srivastava, IBM India

Christoph Bussler, CISCO (USA) 

Dimitris Plexousakis, ICS - FORTH (Greece) 

E. M. (Max) Maximilien, IBM Almaden Research Lab

Karthik Gomadam, University of Georgia

Kunal Verma, University of Georgia (USA) 

Leo Obrst, The MITRE Corporation (USA) 

Malu Castellanos, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories (USA) 

Marco Pistore, University of Trento (Italy) 

Mark Little, Arjuna Technologies (UK) 

Rama Akkiraju, IBM (USA) 

Ryusuke Masuoka, Fujitsu Laboratories of America, Inc. (USA) 

Sanjay Chaudhary, DA-IICT (India) 

Siegfried Handschuh, FZI, University of Karlsruhe (Germany) 

Sonia Bergamaschi, DII - Universita` di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy) 

Thomas Vitvar, DERI

To be completed...



Kind Regards,

The Workshop Organization,


Jorge Cardoso, 

Amit Sheth,

Rama Akkiraju,

Received on Sunday, 5 March 2006 10:37:52 UTC