Re: OWL-s and Parallel Composition

In my opinion, 

> Hi,
> Pardon me for my misunderstanding, but I am curious to learn whether

it doesn't demonstrate the use of parallel control structure such as "Split" and "Split-Join".

> the OWL-S example [1] demonstrates parallel composition between
> multiple entities ? To me, it seems that there exists a composite
> service "FullCongoBuy", which in turn invokes a set of atomic and
> composite services. All these composite services follow somewhat
                                  No, "SigInAlternatives" comprise a "Choice" structure, 
and "FullCongoBuy" comprise an "If-Then-Else".

> sequential pattern (of execution). For example, the composite service
> "CreateAcctSequence" performs atomic process "CreateAcct" followed by
> atomic process "LoadUserProfile". Similarly, composite service
> "SignInSequence" follows the same pattern.
                               Yes, these two ones are pure sequential composite services.

> So, at a higher level of abstraction, there seems to be a pure
> sequential flow in which these services/functions are executed.
> Please clarify me if I am wrong here.
> Thanks,
> - Jyoti
> [1]

> -- 
> Jyotishman Pathak
> WWW:


Received on Wednesday, 14 June 2006 05:20:46 UTC