- From: Joanne Luciano <jluciano@predmed.com>
- Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 08:55:18 -0400
- To: kweb-all@lists.deri.org, acl@opus.cs.columbia.edu, agentcities@fipa.org, agents@cs.umbc.edu, aiia@dis.uniroma1.it, aisb@sussex.ac.uk, AI-SGES@jiscmail.ac.uk, announce@aosd.net, announce@sigart.acm.org, bull_i3@univ-tln.fr, chat@fipa.org, colibri@let.uu.nl, colognet@ucy.ac.cy, community@mlnet.org, dai-list@ece.sc.edu, dai-list@mcc.com, daml-all@daml.org, dbworld@cs.wisc.edu, dip-all@lists.deri.org, discussion@agentcities.org, dl@dl.kr.org, dotkom-project@dcs.shef.ac.uk, eccaiwww@eccai.org, ecoop-info@ecoop.org, editor@agentlink.org, editor@knowledgeboard.com, elsnet-list@elsnet.org, epontell@cs.nmsu.edu, esperonto_all@isoco.com, fgcscw@uni-koblenz.de, fg-db@informatik.uni-rostock.de, glp@first.fhg.de, info-ic@biomath.jussieu.fr, irlist-editor@sigir.org, iswc2003-list@www1-c703.uibk.ac.at, ISWORLD@listserv.heanet.ie, isworld@lyris.isworld.org, kaw@swi.psy.uva.nl, news-announce-conferences@uunet.uu.net, ontology@fipa.org, ontoweb-language-sig@cs.man.ac.uk, ontoweb-list@cs.vu.nl, ontoweb-list@www2-c703.uibk.ac.at, ontoweb-list@www1-c703.uibk.ac.at, project@aktors.org, public-sws-ig@w3.org, rewerse-all@rewerse.net, semanticweb@yahoo.com, semanticweb@yahoogroups.com, semantik@uni-duesseldorf.de, seweb-list@cs.vu.nl, seweb-list@www2-c703.uibk.ac.at, seweb-list@www1-c703.uibk.ac.at, seworld@cs.colorado.edu, sigart@isi.edu, sw-announce@semanticplanet.com, sw-ergo@gui-design.de, swws-list@isoco.com, tm-pubsubj@lists.oasis-open.org, topicmapmail@infoloom.com, topicmaps@lists.oasis-open.org, WI@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de, wkwi@seda.sowi.uni-bamberg.de, www-rdf-interest@w3.org, www-rdf-logic@w3.org, www-rdf-rules@w3.org, www-webont-wg@w3.org, www-ws@w3.org, kr-sig@mailman.amia.org, gen-wg@mailman.amia.org, ct-wg@mailman.amia.org, kddm-sig@mailman.amia.org, fugo-devel@lists.sourceforge.net, gofriends@genome.stanford.edu, obo-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net, obo-phenotype@lists.sourceforge.net, gmod-devel@lists.sourceforge.net, fugo-coord@lists.sourceforge.net, W3C HCLSIG hcls <public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org>, birn-tf-ontology@nbirn.net, biopax-announce@biopax.org
- Cc: Joanne Luciano <jluciano@predmed.com>, "Hongsermeier Tonya M.,M.D." <THONGSERMEIER@PARTNERS.ORG>, Eric Neumann <eneumann@teranode.com>, Susie Stephens <susie.stephens@oracle.com>
1st CALL FOR PAPERS FIRST INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON THE SEMANTIC WEB IN HEALTH CARE AND THE LIFE SCIENCES held in conjunction with THE FIFTH INTERNATIONAL SEMANTIC WEB CONFERENCE (ISWC) 2006, ATHENS, GA under the auspices of the W3C HCLSIG. Life Science Research and Health Care are areas undergoing phenomenal growth, holding much promise for our future as long as we can manage and apply the new knowledge gained without driving up costs. Key to their success is the implementation of new informatics models that will unite many forms of biological and medical information across all institutions, through the encoding of meaning into the data and their interpretations. By focusing on the semantics of information, researchers will have more access to the knowledge required to effectively find cures to diseases, while doctors will have better tools for individualized clinical management of patients. The W3C Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group (HCLSIG) http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/hcls/ was chartered in December of 2005 to develop and support the use of Semantic Web technologies and practices to improve collaboration, research, development and the adoption of innovation in Health Care and the Life Sciences. In January of 2006, HCLSIG hosted its first face-to-face meeting http:// www.w3.org/2001/sw/hcls/f2f-2006/f2f-summary.html to define a set of activities focused on reducing the barriers to adoption. As a part of this process, we are organizing the first international workshop on the Semantic Web in Health Care and the Life Sciences in conjunction with ISWC 2006. Aims: Our aims for this workshop are threefold. First, we expect the workshop to provide a current snapshot of the application of Semantic Web technologies development trajectory. Secondly, to provide an opportunity to showcase health care and the life sciences as an aspect of the Semantic Web to a wider audience within the Semantic Web community and to interested external parties. Thirdly, to provide a forum for discussion that will facilitate forward planning of both the W3C HCLSIG and more generally the research and development agenda of the wider community. Audience: The workshop encourages participation from both academia and industry with an emphasis on the theoretical and practical aspects of applying Semantic Web technologies to the challenges of Health Care and the Life Sciences. We look forward to industry to present its requirements and use cases, and academic and industrial researchers to present their ideas and solutions. We encourage participation from: Health Care, Clinical, and Life Science Consortia Research Institutes and Centers Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology Companies IT Solution Vendors Government Agencies We invite presentation proposals that focus on the application of the Semantic Web to the life sciences and/or health care. The emphasis of the presentation should be on real world implementations that highlight the value added by utilizing a Semantic Web based implementation. Topics of Interest: Core vocabularies and ontologies to support cross-community data integration and collaborative efforts Tools for transforming clinical and life science data into RDF and OWL formats Guidelines and Best Practices for Resource Identification to support integrity and version control Better integration of Scientific Publication with people, data, software, publications, and clinical trials Knowledge ecosystems and knowledge lifecycle Ontologies in life sciences: knowledge representation, ontology creation, maintenance and evaluation in health care and the life sciences. Applications of SW in clinical protocols and pathways Applications of SW in drug safety and efficacy Industrial applications of SW technologies in drug discovery and personalized health care Submissions: Contributions are sought for position papers for presentation. Position papers should be submitted of no more than 1000 words (maximum) to iswc2006-hcls-cfp@predmed.com by the submission date. Please note, by submitting an abstract, you are granting permission for your abstract and presentation to be posted on this Wiki: http:// esw.w3.org/topic/HCLS/ISWC/Workshop Important Dates: Abstract Submission: 15 September, 2006 Notification of acceptance: 1 October, 2006 Workshop Dates: 5 or 6 November, 2006 (TBD, check website) Organizing Committee: Tonya Hongsermeier, Partners Health Care System Joanne Luciano, Harvard Medical School, Predictive Medicine, Inc. Eric Neumann, Teranode Corporation Susie Stephens, Oracle For more information on the workshop, the webpage is available at: http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLS/ISWC/Workshop
Received on Monday, 31 July 2006 12:58:31 UTC