how to use the loc and link and initialValue in OWL-S 1.2 version?

  I have a problem when i want to construct a composite process using
   "repeat-While" or "repeat-Until".  i aim to build a loop structure, 
  which is like this(write in program language, such as java), see following.
  ClassA  aa = new ClassA();
  string [] return1 = aa.runProcess1();  
  // execute  process1 and get the output, which here is a string set.
  boolean condition = true;
  while{condition == true} {
       string return2 = aa.runSelectProcess(return1); 
 /* run selectProcess, select a string from the string set "return1", 
   *  and selected string "return2" will be deleted from the string set "return1",
   * the updated return1 will be used as input for selectProcess in next loop step. */
       string return3 = aa.runProcess2(return2);
       if ( return3.equals("OK") ){
             condition = false;       
             // if return3 is equals "OK" , then the loop is end.
  I don't know how to express the dataBinding among "Process1",
   "selectProcess" and "Process2" in OWL-S. In this loop, Process1 's output
   (return1) is binded to selectProcess 's input, and after selectProcess is
   executed, and return1 is updated, which will be used as input for
   selectProcess in next loop. if the update return1 can be expressed in
   "hasEffect" in selectProcess?
  may be it will use new class "loc" and "locBinding" in OWL-S 1.2 version or
  something else, but i don't know how to use it exactly. can someone show me
   an example.
 I also don't know how to get result from a loop structure, such as "repeat-While" and "repeat-Until". Does the "outputBinding" in "hasResult" only binded
   to the final output of the process in the loop structure when the loop is end?
  any hint will be very helpful, thanks.

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<div>Hi,everyone,<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; I have a problem when i want to construct a composite process using</div>  <div>&nbsp;"repeat-While" or "repeat-Until".&nbsp; i aim to build a loop structure, </div>  <div>which is like this(write in program language, such as java), see following.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; ClassA&nbsp; aa = new ClassA();<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; string [] return1 = aa.runProcess1();&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; // execute&nbsp; process1 and get the output, which here is a string set.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; boolean condition = true;</div>  <div><BR>&nbsp; while{condition == true} {<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; string return2 = aa.runSelectProcess(return1);&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;/* run selectProcess, select a string from the string&nbsp;set "return1", </div>  <div>&nbsp;*&nbsp;&nbsp;and selected string "return2" will be deleted from the string set "return1",</div>  <div>&nbsp;*&nbsp;the updated return1 will be used&nbsp;as input for
 selectProcess in next loop step. */</div>  <div><BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; string return3 = aa.runProcess2(return2);<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; if ( return3.equals("OK") ){<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; condition = false;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>  <div>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;// if return3 is equals "OK" , then the loop is end.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }<BR>&nbsp; }<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; I&nbsp;don't know&nbsp;how to express the dataBinding among "Process1",</div>  <div>&nbsp;"selectProcess" and "Process2" in OWL-S. In this loop,&nbsp;Process1 's output</div>  <div>&nbsp;(return1) is binded to selectProcess 's input, and after selectProcess is</div>  <div>&nbsp;executed,&nbsp;and return1 is updated, which will be used as input for</div>  <div>&nbsp;selectProcess in next loop. if the&nbsp;update return1 can be expressed
 in</div>  <div>&nbsp;"hasEffect" in selectProcess?<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp; may be it will use new class "loc" and "locBinding" in OWL-S 1.2 version or</div>  <div>something else, but i don't know how to use it exactly. can&nbsp;someone&nbsp;show me</div>  <div>&nbsp;an example.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;I also&nbsp;don't&nbsp;know how to get result from a loop structure, such as "repeat-While" and "repeat-Until".&nbsp;Does the "outputBinding" in "hasResult" only binded</div>  <div>&nbsp;to the final output of the process in&nbsp;the loop structure&nbsp;when the loop is end?</div>  <div><BR>&nbsp; any hint will be very helpful, thanks.<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; linyu.<BR>&nbsp; 2006/7/18<BR></div><p>&#32;
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Received on Wednesday, 19 July 2006 14:57:35 UTC