Re: R: R: sws matchmaker contest

dear all,

thanks Tommaso for these useful hints!
And thanks to those having offered concrete help in organising
a contest. the envisioned date for a first mm-contest
is dec 06/ jan 07, depending on the feedback and
progressing of work with owls-tc v3, and availability of
owl-s matchmakers, likewisely for wsmo.

To proceed in more concrete terms, starting with owls-tc2, I'd like to
ask who of you would in principle be willing to put some first efforts
in extending the owls-tc2 for a first "greedy" r/p benchmarking of owls
matchmakers? Pls note that these services lack the wsdl grounding (due
to unfortunate loss of files, and closing of previously public ibm
uddi-repository) for the time being a grassroot approach with some group
of people from sw community might suffice.

* where shall we meet to jointly go through this collection,
   modifying and extending it?
   - (re-)definition of query classes with potentially relevant
     (old, new, modified) services
   - identification and use of domain ontologies in owl, etc.
   - do we need the wsdl groundings for the first contest?

   maybe there is one afternoon at ISWC we could spend for
   this purpose? any other suggestion for a location?

* which potential users of domain-specific (domain-independent)
   sws should we in a first round (realistically) address
   in due course of creating owls-tc v3? who will do this?

cordial regards, matthias

Dr. Matthias Klusch
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
Phone: +49-681-302-5297, Fax: +49-681-302-2235,

Received on Friday, 25 August 2006 16:03:42 UTC