CfP: Semantics for Business Process Management 2006

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Call for Papers

Semantics for Business Process Management 2006

a workshop held at ESWC 2006


In the recent years, enabled by powerful software frameworks and 
middleware solutions and by the tremendous success of web services 
and service-oriented architectures, business logic is more and more 
separated from lower levels of software applications and represented 
in increasingly expressive, more declarative formalisms. 
Thus, business-process oriented approaches gain more and more the same 
importance for software design as they already have for organizational 
optimization and for business (re-)engineering.

Business applications are increasingly distributed and even 
cross-organizational. New, distributed computing paradigms 
raise our hopes for efficient, reliable, and cost-effective 
implementations of enterprise-wide and cross-enterprise software 
infrastructures. However, software-technological connectivity 
alone cannot yet bridge the long standing semantic gap between 
workflow technology and business-process management; it can not 
yet solve the semantic interoperability problems between people, 
applications, and companies; and it can not at all give an answer 
to the ever increasing demands on flexibility, dynamic service 
configuration and change, and process-optimizing real-time analytics 
which are just provoked by the new possibilities and application 
scenarios of ubiquitous and pervasive computing. 

There is an increasing demand in adaptivity and flexibility of 
business processes, advancing business process management towards 
knowledge-intensive processes. While business rules promise to control 
or influence the behaviour of business, their integration with business 
process management and workflow execution is still an open issue. 
Declarative representation formalisms for rules and processes allow for 
consistency checking and support flexible workflow execution. 

For all such problems, conventional business process and workflow 
technology is certainly not prepared. Fortunately, Semantic Web 
technology can offer powerful tools and techniques which 
promise to increase significantly the flexibility and dynamics of 
process enactment (e.g., through adaptive resource allocation, ad-hoc 
decisions of process flows, real-time discovery of business partners 
and automatic mediation between tools, or through personalized and 
context-aware process models); they promise to support quality and 
reliability of systems and services (e.g., because they allow for more 
formal consistency checks and sophisticated compliance and business 
policy management); and they offer new optimization and analytical 
opportunities (e.g., by usage or process mining). 

In this workshop, we invite researchers and practitioners from all 
involved disciplines for a "kick off event" to open up a new research 
strand towards intelligent engineering, management, and execution of 
business processes through the use of semantic web technology. 

In particular, we expect and encourage contributions from the areas of 

- business process engineering, management, and optimization, 
- workflow management, 
- semantic web services, 
- business rules, 
- as well as the respective standardization efforts. 

We invite contributions on all theoretical and practical aspects of 
Semantics-enabled Business Process Management (SemBPM), 
especially emphasizing the real-world business and technology questions 
to be dealt with in realistic, useful SemBPM applications for eBusiness 
and eGovernment. 

The list of potential topics comprises, but is not limited to: 

+ Design time aspects of Semantic Business Process Management 
+ Semantic modelling of business processes 
+ Business rules and SemBPM 
+ Semantics of existing modelling approaches 
+ Mapping between semantic web languages and business process modelling 
+ Semantic policy modelling and management for BPM 
+ Reasoning for verifying semantic business process models 
+ Reuse and adaptation of semantic business process models 
+ Semantics for Collaborative BPM 
+ Run-time aspects of Semantic Business Process Management 
+ Dynamics and flexibility of SemBPM implementations 
+ Combination of business rules execution and workflow execution 
+ Semantic web services for SemBPM 
+ Interoperability between conventional and semantics-enabled BPM solutions 
+ Semantic analysis of BP execution 
+ SemBPM to support business activity monitoring and real-time 
  business intelligence 
+ Change management and evolution of business processes, 
  including process mining 
+ Personalized and context-aware process instantiation 
+ Semantic Grid in SemBPM 
+ Practical and business aspects of Semantic Business Process Management 
+ Business scenarios and case studies for SemBPM in eBusiness, eGovernment, 
  eHealth, production control, collaborative processes in logistics, 
  engineering and management, ubiquitous computing, etc. 
+ Migration from conventional towards semantics-based modelling 
+ Contributions of SemBPM for Corporate Performance Management 
+ Critical success factors for the practical application of SemBPM 
+ Business benefits, evaluation aspects, and ROI of SemBPM approaches 
+ Standardization efforts relevant to or required for SemBPM 
+ SOA and SemBPM 
+ Reference models relevant to or required for SemBPM 
+ Combination of SemBPM with quality management and IT service management 

The workshop will be opened by an invited talk given by

Dr. Martin Hepp / Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) Innsbruck


Two categories of submissions are solicited:

- full papers (up to 12 pages) 
- position papers (1-2 pages) 

Full papers should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS style.

Please send submissions as PDF documents via email to 

Important Dates
Deadline:        19, April 2006  

Notification:    30, April, 2006  

Camera-Ready:    15, May, 2006  

Workshop Chairs:   

* Prof. Dr. Knut Hinkelmann, Univ. of Applied Sciences Northwestern

* Prof. Dr. Dimitris Karagiannis, University of Vienna (Austria)

* Dr. Nenad Stojanovic, FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsruhe (Germany)

* Prof. Dr. Gerd Wagner, Brandenburg Technical University (Germany)  


Programme Committee

Dr. Andreas Abecker, FZI Karlsruhe (Germany)

Prof. Dr. Witold Abramowicz, Poznan Univ. of Economics (Poland)

Prof. Dr. Dimitris Apostolou, Planet (Greece)

Dr. Oscar Corcho, University of Manchester (UK)

Prof. Dr. Rose Dieng, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France)

Dr. Elmar Dorner, SAP Karlsruhe (Germany)

Christian Fillies, SemTalk GmbH Potsdam (Germany)

Prof. Dr. Gregoris Mentzas, NTUA Athens (Greece)

Prof. Dr. Michele Missikoff, IASI-CNR Roma (Italy)

Prof. Dr. Frank Leymann, University of Stuttgart (Germany)

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Reimer, FH St. Gallen (Switzerland)

Dr. Christian de Sainte-Marie, ILOG Paris (France)

Silvie Spreeuwenberg, LibRT Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

Prof. Dr. Rudi Studer, AIFB, University of Karlsruhe (Germany)

Dr. Holger Wache, VU Amsterdam (The Netherlands)

Dr. Krzysztof Wecel, Poznan University of Economics (Poland)  

Received on Tuesday, 4 April 2006 08:58:47 UTC