Re: FWD [Work in Progress on Semantics for Web Services (Advance Notice)]

Dear Xuan,

>I tried to CMU's WSDL2OWLS tool to convert the WSDL file of
>Address Finder Web Service into OWL-S, the result is almost meaningless and
>users still cannot understand the meaning of the service. Unfortunately,
>CMU's Web site for testing their tool is down
Sorry for the inconvenience. The WSDL2OWL-S site is up and running. 
Please note our WSDL2OWL-S and other tools can be downloaded from
Visit to download 
latest version of the wsdl2owl-s tool.

Also note that OWL-S files generated by wsdl2owl-s tool provides a good 
starting point to construct OWL-S descriptions of a service and by no 
means these files are complete.

Naveen Srinivasan

Received on Thursday, 1 September 2005 17:06:47 UTC