Are there so many errors in the official example of OWL-S?

Hi everyone,

    While reading CongoProcess.owl --the official example of OWL-S, I was
surprised to find that there are so many likely errors in them. The
following items are some of them. And most of them are about the SWRL
expressions.  Is there anyone here that would not mind telling me who is
wrong -- the examples or me -- on earth?  Thanks.

    Within the element <expr:SWRL-Condition
    [1] There is an axiom which equals
to creditNumber(ExpressCongoBuyCreditCard, ExpressCongoBuyCreditCardNumber)..

    But 'creditNumber' is not defined at all. I guess it should be
'cardNumber', which is a DatatypeProperty matching the types of  the two
paramemters and is defined in the same file.

    [2]Another axiom: ExpressCongoBuyCreditCard (Valid).
    But 'ExpressCongoBuyCreditCard' is a Local, i.e. a kind of parameter.
How can it serve as a predicate! I guess this axiom should be written as
'validity(ExpressCongoBuyCreditCard, Valid)' directly.

    Within definition of the element 'ExpressCongoBuyBookInStock':
    [3] An axiom is: &profileHierarchy;#hasISBN(ExpressCongoBuyBook,
    'ExpressCongoBuyISBN' has not be defined at all. And their is an Input
'ExpressCongoBuyBookISBN' is similar with it in form. I guess the latter one
should appear here.
    Within definition of the element 'ExpressCongoOrderShippedEffect': :
Shipment(ExpressCongoBuyShipment) and shippedTo (Shipment,
ExpressCongoAcctID) and shippedBook(Shipment, ExpressCongoBuyBook)
    [4]The argument 'ExpressCongoBuyShipment' of the ClassAtom
Shipment hasn't been defined as Input, Output, Local, or ResultVar. I'm not
sure if this is legal according to OWL-S.
    [5] Shipment is a class name. How can it serve as a parameter of a
IndividualPropertyAtom? I guess the 2nd and 3th atoms should be
shippedTo(ExpressCongoBuyShipment, ...).
    [6] 'ExpressCongoAcctID' is likely a writing error and should be
'ExpressCongoBuyAcctID' --a Local defined previously.

    An error about Binding is:
    [5]The output 'SignInSequenceAcctID' of the composite process
SignInSequence hasn't been assigned a data source. But as my understanding
to OWL-S, every output of a composite process should be assigned a data
source, which is usually an OutputBinding, or how can the underlying
executing engine of the composite process give the value of the output
parameter to users?

and so on.

    Best Regards

Wenfeng ZHAO
PhD candidate,
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT)

Received on Friday, 25 November 2005 05:30:05 UTC