- From: Miltiadis Lytras <mdl@eltrun.gr>
- Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 11:00:20 +0300
- To: "Miltiadis Lytras" <mdl@eltrun.gr>
- Cc: <public-sws-ig@w3.org>, <seweb-list@www1-c703.uibk.ac.at>, <www-ws@w3c.org>, <semanticweb@yahoogroups.com>
AIS SIG on Semantic Web and Information Systems, http://www.sigsemis.org Download Latest Issue: 7000 downloads already!!! http://www.sigsemis.org/sigsemis_bulletin_march_2005.pdf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR SHORT ARTICLES AIS SIGSEMIS Bulletin, 2(2) 2005 Deadline for submission: May 20th, 2005. Special Issue: "SEMANTIC SOCIAL NETWORKING" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- REGULAR Call for Papers ------------------------------------- AIS SIGSEMIS Bulletin invites short articles, case studies, and project reports for the April-June 2005 Issue (Volume 2, Issue 2, 2005). You can download the first Issues of AIS SIGSEMIS Bulletin at www.sigsemis.org We invite submissions that are related (but not limited to) to the following topics: Semantic Web Services Intelligent Systems Semantic E-Business Semantic KM Semantic E-learning Semantic E-Government Semantic Web & Business Intelligence Semantic Web & Enterprise Application Integration Semantic Web languages Ontologies Agents Semantic Information Processing Semantic Web & Multimedia Semantic Web Standards Open Source Peer to Peer Semantic Web and Mobile & wireless Technologies Semantic Web and IS Research & Methodology SW Curricula Knowledge Society SW Industry SW and Culture Submission procedure: 1. The articles in the bulletin can be from 1000 to 3500 words. 2. The manuscripts should be either in Word or RTF format. 3. Please send the manuscripts by email as attachment to Dr. Miltiadis D. Lytras lytras@ceid.upatras.gr , copied to Dr. Miguel-Angel Sicilia, msicilia@uah.es (Subject: AIS SIGSEMIS Bulletin Issue 2(2) 2005. - Discussion papers. We invite submission of RIP papers that will be hosted also in SIGSEMIS.org and a discussion will be organized in order to strengthen the authors' approach. Only two papers max will be selected in each bulletin and must be from PhD students.
Received on Wednesday, 18 May 2005 08:03:29 UTC