- From: Miltiadis Lytras <mdl@eltrun.gr>
- Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2005 21:10:23 +0200
- To: "Miltiadis Lytras" <mdl@eltrun.gr>
- Cc: <public-sws-ig@w3.org>, <seweb-list@www1-c703.uibk.ac.at>, <www-ws@w3c.org>, <semanticweb@yahoogroups.com>
- Message-ID: <D518AD0B3F00324FB9D39202C4B7E6560B4747@cosmos.eltrun.gr>
AIS SIGSEMIS Bulletin Jan-March -2(1) 2005 Issue The Official Quarterly Newsletter of AIS Special Interest Group on Semantic Web and Information Systems Download free at: <http://www.sigsemis.org/newsletter/march2005/sigsemis_bulletin_march_2005.pdf> http://www.sigsemis.org/newsletter/march2005/sigsemis_bulletin_march_2005.pdf Editorial Dear friends, One year now AIS SIGSEMIS has become a reference point for the Semantic Web and it serves the Information Systems, the Computers Science and the Semantic Web Community. During the last year your continuous support was the key motive to provide a number of dissemination channels concerning Semantic Web and Information Systems: 1. We started the Bulletin Edition, (this is the fourth issue) with an established rate of 5500 average downloads per issue. 2. We designed and launched the International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (EIC Prof. Amit Sheth), it IDEA Group Publishing ( http://www.idea-group.com/journals/details.asp?id=4625). Already two issues have been published and the 3rd issue is in production. I think this is a great addition to your journals portfolios. Feel free to recommend it to your library from <http://www.idea-group.com/recommend.asp?ID=4625> http://www.idea-group.com/recommend.asp?ID=4625 3. We undertook a number of Special Issues in well-known international journals aiming at a multilevel awareness campaign on semantic web. In this issue we provide the table of contents of the Special Issue on Digital Libraries in the Knowledge Era: Knowledge Management and Semantic Web Technology that was recently finalized at the Library Management Journal of Emerald (EIC Steve O'Connor). Additionally in this issue you can find three AIS SIGSEMIS sponsored special issues: a. IJ on Semantic Web and Information Systems, Special Issue on "Semantic Web and Healthcare Information Systems Interoperability", Guest Editors: Vipul Kashyap, Asuman Dogac b. British Journal on Educational Technology, Special Issue on "Advances of Semantic Web for E-learning: Expanding learning frontiers", Guest Editors: Ambjorn Naeve, Miltiadis Lytras, Wolfrang Nejdl, Joseph Harding, Nicolas Balacheff. c. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Special Issue on "Knowledge and Data Engineering in the Semantic Web Era", Guest Editors: Gottfried Vossen, Miltiadis Lytras, Nick Koudas d. Electronic Government: An international Journal, Special Issue on "Exploiting Knowledge Management for Ubiquitous E-Government in the Semantic Web Era", Guest Editors: Miltiadis Lytras, Lakhsmi Iyer, Athanassios Tsakalidis 4. We support and sponsor a number of Tracks in IS conferences as well as workshops: a. ECIS Track on Semantic Web and Information Systems: http://www.ecis2005.de/semantic.html b. AMCIS Track on Semantic E-Business http://www.ist.unomaha.edu/amcis2005/minitrack_description.php?minitrack_id=29 c. FOMI 2004: Formal Ontologies Meet Industry <http://fandango.cs.unitn.it/fomi/> http://fandango.cs.unitn.it/fomi/ 5. We co-organize the MSR'05:First on-Line conference on Metadata and Semantics Research: Approaches to Advanced Information Systems. Consider it as a key event for your SW planned publications. Find more info at <http://www.metadata-semantics.org/> http://www.metadata-semantics.org/ 6. Our membership has increased. We have 75 officially registered members and a GREAT thank you belongs to all of you. In the recent disaster of Tsunami in SE Asia we decided from the limited reserves of our SIGSEMIS to donate 270$ in the American Redcross International Disaster Fund. A great thank you to all the AIS SIGSEMIS Board members who supported this decision. Our souls and hearts are close to the people in SE Asia. In this issue we have the honor to host two excellent interviews. Professor William R. King (the Founding President of Association for Information Systems as well as professor Richard Watson, President of AIS provide me two excellent interviews. I encourage you read them. I would like to thanks them and to wish from the bottom of my heart all the best to them. In this issue there are several interesting pieces of news: · A n excellent article by Amit Sheth, Director of LSDIS, University of Georgia, Co-Founder and CTO of Semagix, and EIC of IJSWIS on " Why are we still pushing the Semantic Web? " · An interesting article by Jorge Cardoso, on Semantic Web Services: Progress in 2004 and trends for 2005 · An update on our IJ on Semantic Web and Information Systems · News from AIS SIGSEMIS activities (Call for papers in special issues, sponsored minitracks and workshops) · Two research articles · Our regular columns and a brand new column that will be of interest for many of you. I would like to thank our new columnist Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, that will be the columnist of "RDF Technologies - Foundations, Applications and Developments"regular column. · A special section related to the EU call for Semantic Web Knowledge Systems that is open. I think it is interesting for all of our readers around the worlds to check the priorities of the European Union to this topic. I invite you to join our SIG and be part of an exciting community: ( <http://www.sigsemis.org/sig/membership/document_view> http://www.sigsemis.org/sig/membership/document_view ). In your renewal of AIS subscription consider SIGSEMIS as an interesting option. Looking forward for your comments, ideas, participation and inquiries. AIS SIGSEMIS is not a close club. It is an open forum. Be part of this exciting community. Semantic Web technology is here to stay. Looking forward to "see" you in one of the forthcoming AIS SIGSEMIS activities. On behalf of SIG SEMIS Board Dr. Miltiadis D. Lytras Research Academic Computer Technology Institute, <http://www.cti.gr/> http://www.cti.gr ELTRUN Research Center , DMST, AUEB, <http://www.eltrun.gr/> http://www.eltrun.gr KMR-Group, <http://kmr.nada.kth.se/> http://kmr.nada.kth.se Email: Lytras@ceid.upatras.gr (use this mail for correspodence) Table of Contents Editorial............ 3 Amit Sheth: Why we are still pushing Semantic Web: 6 Jorge Cardoso: SW services, Progress in 2004 and trends for 2005:................ 6 An Interview with William R. King, Founding President of AIS, .......................... 9 AIS SIGSEMIS Activities.... 14 International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (TOC of 1(2) Issue) 14 IJSWIS CFP Special Issue on: SW and Healthcare Information Systems Interoperability 16 MTSR'05: 1st Online Metadata and Semantics Research Conference 20 ECIS 2005 Semantic Web and Information Systems Track 23 AMCIS 2005 Semantic E-Business Track 24 Formal Ontologies Meet Industry Workshop - FOMI 2005 26 Library Management Journal Special Issue: Digital Libraries in the Knowledge Era 30 E-Government: an International Journal: Exploiting Knowledge Management for Ubiquitous E-Government in the Semantic Web............... 32 British Journal of Educational Technology, Special Issue : Advances of Semantic Web for E-learning: Expanding Learning Frontiers............... 34 IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering: Special Issue: Knowledge and Data Engineering in the Semantic Web Era............... 35 An Interview with Richard Watson, President of AIS, ........................ 36 Research Articles ......................... 41 1. Bernstein A., Kaufmann E. and Fuchs N., Talking to the Semantic Web -A Controlled English Query Interface for Ontologies....... 42 2. Sengupta A., Kim H., SWAP - A Framework for Ontology Support in Semantic Web Applications....... 48 Special Section IST PRIORITY Semantic Based Knowledge and content systems........................ 53 Regular Columns......................... 67 Semantic Search Technology Technologies by Dr. Peter Alesso ............... 67 In this issue: Swoogle a SW Search Engine ............... 68 Semantic Web Technologies by Dr. Jessica Chen Burger............... 73 In this issue: A Semantic-based Workflow management for Virtual Organizations............... 74 RDF Technologies, Foundations, Applications and Developments Column............... by Dr. Heiner Stuckenschmidt............... 79 In this issue: RDF is not reinventing the wheel............... 80 SW Research Centers........... 85 Projects Corner: SEWASIE....... 89 Books Corner. 92 Semantic Web Callendar........ 93 AIS SIGSEMIS Bulletin 2(2) April June CFP...... 102 AIS SIGSEMIS Members Page....................... 103 AIS SIGSEMIS Board and Advisors...... 104 In the Next Issue....................... 105 Please provide any comments, inquiries, ideas, etc to Dr. Miltiadis D. Lytras at <mailto:mdl@aueb.gr> lytras@ceid.upatras.gr
Received on Thursday, 10 March 2005 19:10:35 UTC