- From: Daniel Elenius <daele@ida.liu.se>
- Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 15:33:21 -0800
- To: protege-owl@SMI.Stanford.EDU, public-sws-ig@w3.org, Owlseditor-discussion@projects.semwebcentral.org
New OWL-S Editor build + Tutorial available We are happy to announce the immediate availability of a new build of our OWL-S Editor plugin for Protege. The OWL-S Editor allows users to load, create, manage and visualize OWL-S services. http://owlseditor.semwebcentral.org/ The main reason for this release (and for why our plugin has not worked with the most recent protege-owl releases) is that our code had to undergo some structural changes to accommodate the new Protege-OWL API. We took the chance to look over some dusty old sections of code and found and removed some bugs (and probably inserted some new ones, too). One new feature is the WSDL Widgets. Open a WsdlAtomicProcessGrounding and you'll be able to manage the WSDL-to-OWL mappings. Another is that the parameterType widget now supports XSD datatypes in addition to OWL classes. Also, we have put together a tutorial on the plugin, to help users get started. A submitted version of a paper on the Editor is also available. http://owlseditor.semwebcentral.org/documentation.shtml Regards, The OWL-S Editor Team
Received on Wednesday, 9 March 2005 23:33:24 UTC