- From: Kendall Clark <kendall@monkeyfist.com>
- Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 09:42:34 -0500
- To: public-sws-ig@w3.org
The W3C RDF Data Access Working Group (DAWG)[1] is working on a query language and protocol called SPARQL[2,3] for querying RDF graphs. As part of that work, we needed a protocol to convey queries and query results. I've edited a document that describes such an abstract protocol as well as an HTTP binding: SPARQL Protocol for RDF W3C Working Draft 14 January 2004 http://w3.org/TR/2005/WD-rdf-sparql-protocol-20050114/ We're looking for feedback and comments -- sent either to kendall@monkeyfist.com or to public-rdf-dawg-comments@w3.org. An editor's working draft is also available, if you're interested in the document's most current status. Best, Kendall Clark [1] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/ [2] http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/ [3] http://w3.org/TR/2005/WD-rdf-sparql-protocol-20050114/
Received on Tuesday, 25 January 2005 14:45:28 UTC