Re: Doubts about the variables in the process model of OWL-S 1.1

> [Tatiana Vieira]
> Local is a variable used just for AtomicProcesses and that is scoped
> to the whole process definition. But does it include the
> precondition? If it does, it can also be used in the result,
> correct? But only if it's used in precondition, because if it's not,
> we can not reference it in the result. ????

I don't quite understand the question, but maybe the answer is: Yes,
local variables can appear in both preconditions and results.

> Talking again about parameters, what is the purpose of hasParameter?
> Congo process and BravoAir process don't have this type of property
> and I didn't understand it. Aren't hasInput and hasOutput enough for
> a process description?

hasParameter is just a superproperty of those other properties.
There's no reason to use it directly (cf. an abstract class in Java).


                                         -- Drew McDermott
                                            Yale University
                                            Computer Science Department

Received on Friday, 7 January 2005 01:45:23 UTC