what is the range of valueData ?

Dear all,

when looking on dataflow-specifications of OWL-S1.1
there is the ObjectProperty valueSource with range "ValueOf"
and the four DatatypePropertys

valueForm with range "&rdf;#XMLLiteral"
valueFunction with range "&rdf;#XMLLiteral"
valueType with range "&xsd;#anyURI"
valueData but without any range-label

so what is the range of valueData?

The enclosed comment says first 
"valueData is for specifying constant (XML) data to be bound to a parameter. "

Cause of this one could assume also a range of "&rdf;#XMLLiteral"

but further comment says
"For now, its range is any XML datatype. "

does this mean a range of "&xsd;#anyURI" for valueData too?

I may be wrong, but I think the first case of range "&rdf;#XMLLiteral" should be the correcter one.
And therefore I propose to add a line in the valueData-specification of OWL-S like 

  <rdfs:range rdf:resource="&rdf;#XMLLiteral"/> 

Can anybody give me some feedback on this ?

With best regards

Claus P.

Received on Thursday, 24 February 2005 21:50:44 UTC