Re: Computed IOPRs

Daniel Elenius wrote:
> I noticed that the computedPrecondition, computedInput, etc, properties 
> are back in Process.owl (they were removed before weren't they?). I can 
> see the need for them. The range of these is owl:Thing. Shouldn't it be 
> expr:Expression?

Thanks, belatedly (way belatedly).

I've changed it to Expression for release 1.2.

> Also, were the consequences for Profiles considered? The hasComputed 
> properties have been removed from Profile, so there's no way for a 
> profile to relate to these computed IOPRs.

Let's not bother with that right now.  The hasComputed* properties are 
pretty much placeholders for future work, and haven't got any real use.

- David

Received on Friday, 4 February 2005 06:49:44 UTC