RE: FYI... Semantic Web Services: Past, Present, and Future - Technical Panel at DWP 2005 @ ICSOC 2005

You're gonna do all of that in ONE HOUR???


From: []
On Behalf Of E. Michael Maximilien
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005 6:16 PM
Subject: FYI... Semantic Web Services: Past, Present, and Future -
Technical Panel at DWP 2005 @ ICSOC 2005

(Apologies for cross postings)



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and pasted below for your convenience 


Semantic Web Services: Past, Present, and Future
Technical Panel, Dynamic Web Processes (DWP) 2005
<>  Workshop
In conjunction with

International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC) 2005

Amsterdam, The Netherlands , December 12th, 2005

Abstract and Motivations

Semantic Web Services (SWS) promise to facilitate all aspects of Web
services usages. The overarching goals of the various SWS efforts are to
provide some level of automation of Web services discovery, selection,
invocation, and composition. Indeed, early efforts, e.g., OWL-S
<> , have demonstrated results such
as dynamically matchmaking and composing Web services using a service
ontology that includes descriptions of the services capabilities and
needs of the service consumer. Other early efforts, e.g., METEOR-S
<> , developed a broad
framework of semantics that can be added to Web services to facilitate
their use.

Though decent progress has been achieved, we are far from completely
realizing all of the aforementioned goals and gaining wide acceptance.
There remain various challenges and questions to be addressed. Recently,
newer efforts, i.e., WSMO <> , SWSF/FLOWS
<> , and WSDL-S
<> , have emerged taking at times a
different approach to adding semantics to Web services. Since none of
the efforts have been widely adopted (so far) and Web services
themselves are facing some challenges from simpler alternatives such as
REST and some of the Web 2.0 initiatives; we maybe at a juncture where
some discussions and sharing of lessons learned may be needed to
galvanize the SWS efforts and community, as well as to give some
directions for future research and approaches.

Building on a successful ONTOLOG-forum
<>  SWS panel on October
10th, 2005 , this panel brings together various leaders from the major
SWS initiatives and community, from both academia and industry. After a
short introduction and presentation from each initiative, we intend to
engage in a debate and discussion that will include the following (but
not limited to) topics and questions:

1.  How can the complexity of the current SWS approaches be reduced to
help gain some wider adoption?  After all, the primary goal of the SWS
efforts is to facilitate the usage of Web services.

2.  Is a folksonomy-type approach a better, more realistic, alternative
to adding semantics to Web services? (similar to efforts like and Yahoo! Flickr)

3.  Should the SWS community take a pragmatic approach to adding
semantics to Web services by heavily leveraging and extending the
existing Web services stack as was done with WSDL-S? Or, is that a
flawed approach since it inherits any limitations of the stack?

4.  Should the SWS community agree on some basic standards and help
extend and improve the current Web services stack?  And what are
advantages and disadvantages?

5.  What are some of the low-hanging fruits that the SWS community
should strive for first and progressively address the vision questions?
What are some basic use-cases (e.g., semi-automated Web services usages
with human in the loop and automated Web services usages via software

6.  Should SWS ontology annotation be limited to OWL-type, FOL DL-type
languages? Or, should we look into adopting other languages for
ontology/taxonomy constructions, e.g., UML?

7.  Can formal approaches like FLOWS, which provides complete semantics
of processes, help the implementation of use cases and achieve results
that demonstrate clear advantages for businesses over well accepted
languages like BPEL? What are some example use cases that show these
advantages?  Or should such formal approaches instead leverage and
extend languages like BPEL?

8.  What have we learned from current efforts that should drive the SWS

Date, Time, and Location

Monday December 12th, 2005

3:20PM to 4:20PM

The Mercure Hotel, Amsterdam , the Netherlands


John Domingue 
Deputy Director, <>
Knowledge Media Institute <> , Open University
<> , Milton Keynes , UK

Massimo Paolucci 
Senior Researcher, NTT DoCoMo Euro Labs <>
, Munich , Germany

Amit Sheth <>  
Professor and CTO, University of Georgia <>  and
Semagix, Inc. <> , Athens, USA

Sheila McIlraith <>  
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
<> , University of Toronto
<> , Canada

Francisco ( Paco) Curbera (tentative) 
Research Staff Member and Manager, Web Services and Component-Oriented
Software, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
<> , Hawthorne , NY , USA

Organizers and Acknowledgements

E. Michael (Max) Maximilien <>  (moderator) 
Research Staff Member, Almaden Services Research
<> , IBM >Almaden Research Center
<> , San Jose , CA , USA

Kunal Verma <>  
Ph.D. candidate, University of Georgia <> ,
LSDIS Lab <> , Athens, USA

Amit Sheth

David Martin 
Senior Computer Scientist, <> Artificial
Intelligence Center <> , SRI International
<> , Menlo Park , CA , USA .

We also want to thank the ONTOLOG-Forum
<> , its members,
and the ONTOLOG-forum SWS Panel
organizers and in particular Peter Yim
<>  (CIM Engineering
<> , San Mateo, CA, USA) and Nicolas Rouquette
<>  (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
<> , CalTech
<> , Pasedena, CA, USA). 


E. M. (Max) Maximilien, Ph.D.
IBM Almaden Research Center
San Jose, CA USA

Received on Saturday, 3 December 2005 03:24:42 UTC