Re: limit about parameter description?

> [Norberto Carnelli]
> ...
> If we have another service, that does the same job, but returns more 
> infos about the person (name, surname, address and so on), how can we 
> differentiate between the two services? I dont think creating two 
> different concept for "person" would be the right way to go (they're 
> semantically the same) so we should need some mechanism to specify the 
> real usage of concepts. Is there a way to specify this or it's not 
> possible? Some kind of way to express "requirements" of properties for 
> inputs and "resulting" properties for outputs

One service would have as effects:
   (known_value (name ?person))

The other would have the same effects, plus some more
   (known_value (address ?person))

In these examples, the predicate known_value(term) means that the
client knows the value of the term.  I.e., 

    (exists (v) (know client (value_of (address ?person) v)))

[The type of (address w), (name w), etc. is a little tricky.  I would
think they have type (Learnable String); they can't be used in
contexts where a String is needed, but must always be filtered through
value_of.  Sorry, this is a ridiculously unimportant detail.]

                                             -- Drew McDermott
						   Computer Science Department
						Yale University

Getting George W. Bush involved in the Terri Schiavo case was a sad
example of the exploitation of the brain-dead for political purposes.
It wasn't very nice to Terri Schiavo either.

Received on Tuesday, 5 April 2005 14:45:33 UTC