E-learning opportunities

I had a business trip to Europe in February-March and one of the exciting things I did was a visit to the Cebit exhibition. What impressed me a lot is a HUGE number of companies offering e-learning technologies. 
The e-learning technologies are getting more and more popular for several reasons. For example, the key vertical industries that are buying into the market at present are pharmaceuticals, financial services and government. Within the first two markets, the need to ensure that employees are qualified and certified to an appropriate level provides a simple justification for implementing a solution that manages and tracks the training of every employee and that offers a cheaper method of delivering training. In the government sector, the various e-government initiatives that are being put in place, particularly within Europe, require that all government staff be brought up to speed with new technologies quickly and efficiently, and e-learning software seems the obvious solution. 

The benefits of e-learning are quite obvious, and my goal is not to repeat what everyone already knows. I just have a hazy thought about the human nature, if the electronic education can fully replace the traditional one. How far can we go? What are the "hidden costs" of such advancement? 

I will be happy to discuss this issue with those who are interested in e-learning as well as technical progress issues in general as this problem can be easily applied to other fields. 

Jenny Spinser 
Public Relations Officer

Received on Friday, 1 April 2005 22:07:20 UTC