Re: Executing OWL-S/Profile

Hello Daniela,

All the inputs and outputs in your OWL-S description will have a 
grounding associated with them, this associates real WSDL bindings 
(functions, inputs, outputs) to your service description (its atomic 
processes, inputs and outputs). However you can also associate an OWL 
class type with each of these inputs and outputs (and you can also 
associate preconditions and effects). These class types are defined in 
an ontology, and if my understanding is correct you are trying to 
understand this ontology hierarchy? Usually it is defined in a file 
called concepts.owl, is this what you mean by concepts? Each input, 
output, precondition and effect will reference the namespace of a 
certain class type in your OWL ontology. You do not need to include this 
ontology in your OWL-S service description, you can just reference the 
external ontology directly. Something like

You can define your own ontology, and in practice this would in turn 
reference other more well known ontologies. There is a library of 
existing ontologies at:

It sounds like you do have the correct understanding.

Hope that helps,

Luke Steller
School of Network Computing
Faculty of Information Technology
Monash University

Daniela CLARO wrote:

>Thank you Luke for your answer.
>I will explain in more details my second question.
> I have started with OWL trying to understand the hierarchy of concepts, and
>when I came into OWL-S I searched for this hierarchy. My opinion about
>services is that it will be one part of my all OWL hierarchy. For example,
>if I have a service called "bank" that it does some functions, this service
>belongs to an preview hierarchy of concepts, so it is part of a whole
>ontology that is behinds him. When we modelled something like a travel,
>including the hotel, the rental car and airplanes tickets, we are modelling
>the environment, the context but, actually a little part of this environment
>will be one web service, like doReservationTickets, that will have inputs
>and outputs. But, in the whole context, this "function" is part of a whole
>If I am right just here, my doubt is where do I put my whole owl in the
>Profile Service? Where do I do the reference of my OWL that describes my
>Probably, is not like that I have to think.either more.probably I only have
>to think about web services and its unambiguously profile description and so
>this description is sufficiently to distinguish semantics problems.
>Thanks for your attention,
>-----Message d'origine-----
>De : Luke Steller []
>Envoye : mardi 21 septembre 2004 16:11
>A :
>Cc :
>Objet : Re: Executing OWL-S/Profile
>Jena is an OWL API, not OWL-S therefore it cannot execute OWL-S.
>However, i use an API which is built on top of jena. Its very easy to
>use, and provides the black box functionality you are looking for.
>There are also some tools listed under the following URL which look
>promising, but they dont appear to be downloadable... although I have
>the .jar file for the OWL-S API listed, its supplied with the
>matchmakerclient, but without javadocs, so not sure what it does - (so
>just use the API above).
>I didnt understand the wording in the 2nd question.
>Hope that helps,
>Luke Steller
>School of Network Computing
>Faculty of Information Technology
>Monash University
>Daniela CLARO wrote:
>>I have two simple questions:
>>1)I have created all set of owl-s, actually I changed the BravoAir example
>>into a Calculator one, with 3 atomic services(Addition, Subtraction and
>>Multiplication), my goal right now is only to know how owl-s works, and
>>I will create effectively web services(IOPE). So my question is, how can I
>>execute this composition? How can I get my three composed responses? I need
>>to use an inference engine, like Jena? Or that are some "black box" to
>>execute the CalculatorProcess.owl?
>>2) Where in the profile I position my classes,indeed, where I make a
>>reference to my all OWL that I "cut" a little part to make this example, is
>>that in the Profile Attributes, precisely in the service Category or in the
>>profileHierarchy ?
>>Thanks in advance,

Received on Wednesday, 22 September 2004 05:10:14 UTC