- From: Chris Bussler <chris.bussler@deri.org>
- Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004 10:58:20 +0100
- To: <chris.bussler@deri.org>
Call For WORKSHOP PROPOSALS The 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT (BPM 2005) Nancy, France September 5, 2005 bpm2005.loria.fr The BPM series of conferences has become a unique and respected forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners to share their knowledge in the rapidly growing area of Business Process Management as well as related areas. A WORKSHOP in context of this conference is a full day event that brings together researchers, professionals and industrial practitioners for paper presentations and discussions in workshop-like settings. Normally, each Workshop consists of several sessions with presentations, panels, keynotes and discussions. The precise organization is flexible and the workshop organizers are completely free in the organization of the workshop. You are invited to submit a workshop proposal as part of the BPM 2005 conference in Nancy, France. Important Dates --------------- Deadline for Workshop Proposals: March 18, 2005 Workshops: September 5, 2005, one day before the BPM 2005 conference Submission Instructions ----------------------- 1. You must submit a formal workshop proposal to be considered 2. Workshop proposals should be e-mailed to chris.bussler@deri.org by March 18, 2005 3. Please clearly indicate - the workshop co-chairs - their full affiliation and contact information as well as the main contact for correspondence - biographies of the workshop co-chairs - the title of the workshop - a brief abstract describing the goals and the content of the workshop - the list of topics for which contributions are sought - the structure of the workshop, i.e, sessions, keynotes, panels, forums, etc. - expected number of participants, including authors Workshop organization --------------------- The workshop co-chairs are expected to organize their workshop closely coordinated with the BPM 2005 conference organization. Workshop participants and paper authors are expected to register for the conference. The workshops will be announced on the BPM 2005 web site. Workshop proceedings have not been decided yet.
Received on Thursday, 2 September 2004 12:51:36 UTC