Re: How to express stateful connections/ Fault handlers in OWL-S ?

> [Daniela Claro]
>  I have been using BPEL4WS for composing web services, and now I've changed
> to OWL-S mainly because of semantic features. But how can I use stateful
> conversations in OWL-S, 

Basically, the same way you would do it in BPEL, by having the
conversation open with the exchange of correlation tokens that allow
each side to keep track of which messages are part of that
conversation.  Then each process keeps track of its part of the state,
associated with the appropriate correlation token.

> how can I garantee that I will receive a result in a
> long-running business process.

I don't understand this part of the question.

> And even more, I know that in oWL-S we do not have a mechanism of fault
> handler, but there is another mechanism to catch the errors? 

No, although in my opinion it's a gap worth filling.  For the time
being, there is no built-in concept of a process being in a "failed"
state or having to undo something.  The person designing a process
might informally label part of it as the failure-handling part, but
that label would be just a comment as far as Owl-S or its interpreter
are concerned.


                                         -- Drew McDermott
                                            Yale University
                                            Computer Science Department

Received on Sunday, 14 November 2004 20:16:01 UTC