OWL-S Issues from CoSAR-TS Project

Comments arising from work at AIAI and IHMC on the DAML CoSAR-TS project on 
using OWL-S for process composition, policy analysis, and enactment.  Hope 
they are useful.

OWL-S Semantics Issues

* OWL-S doesn't yet define a way to express preconditions and effects (The 
intention is to fix this in SWSL)
* It is awkward to express the data-flow in a composite process that 
invokes the same service more than once (The intention is to fix this in 
OWL-S 1.1)
* There are partial orders of service invocations and temporal constraints 
that the OWL-S control structures cannot express (The intention is to fix 
this in SWSL)

OWL-S Workflow Issues

* Current Process Model ontology is more suited to the purpose of defining 
internal structure of a single service
* Need to attach Profile restrictions to a step of the workflow; used to 
find a Matchmaker-registered service that meets requirements during enactment
* Composite processes are made up of non-unique instances of processes. We 
have not been able to find a way to add additional information to a 
particular step, for instance:
* Profile restrictions
* Policy analysis results
OWL-S Deployment Issues

* There doesn't seem to be an authoritative document that precisely defines 
the OWL-S semantics. Many questions aren't answered by the Technical 
Overview or by the OWL definitions of the OWL-S ontologies
* RDF is awkward to use and difficult to read, and OWL-S doesn't yet have 
an agreed alternative "surface syntax"
* There is currently no OWL-S editor
* Doing simple things with OWL-S requires lots of software (e.g. Jena2 and 
all that it requires or the OWL-S API which requires Jena2 and more)

Received on Tuesday, 25 May 2004 13:08:01 UTC