Re: [public-sws-ig] <none>

> [Zhu Bin]
> I have been using OWL-S for a short time. I want to describe two
> processes, they have the same operation and parameters, but the
> parameters' values are different. Are these processes the same
> individual? I think they are not. Then we should create many process's
> individual? Even the same operation and IOPEs?
Which parameter values are different?  Assuming it's the input
parameters, then I'm guessing you're mixing up processes and process
occurrences.  That is, if I have a control sequence such as this:

  Condition: some test
  Iftrue: Perform process PROC with input param X = 1
  Iffalse: Perform process PROC with input param X = -1

then PROC is the same individual, referred to in two different
places.  Each place is a _reference_ to PROC.  The two references have
different values for input parameters.

                                   -- Drew McDermott
                                      Yale Computer Science Department

Received on Tuesday, 16 March 2004 11:47:27 UTC