Re: IF-THEN-ELSE statement and conditions in OWL-S

> > [Drew McDermott, i.e., I]
> >The problem is how to make A communicate with the "???".  Suppose A is
> >an invocation of a named process with output parameter 'res'.  Then we
> >need a way to refer to the "res output of that occurrence of A."  We
> >introduce a tagging mechanism for that purpose:

> [Austin Tate]
> Could we resolve some of these problems by allowing for a set of variables 
> at the outer scope of any OWL-S/SWSL process... i.e. we don't try to bury 
> all this down in the details of specific conditions, etc.  A list of 
> variables in the outer scope of the whole OWL-S process (where'er a 
> compound or primitive one) would appear to be a simple mechanism that is 
> more familiar to those of us used to dealing with planning system operators 
> anyway.

It's not clear to me what you're proposing.  Can you give an example,
or rework the OP's example?

                                             -- Drew

                                   -- Drew McDermott
                                      Yale Computer Science Department

Received on Tuesday, 9 March 2004 15:58:08 UTC