Re: Draft OWL-S Process technical


See below for my two cents:

It's not clear to me how to interpret the example precondition. It is
initially described as:

"in order to send the number of a certain credit card to a web agent,
one must know what its number is"

It's not clear here whether "its" refers to the credit card number or
the web agent's number. Subsequently, it is stated that "Verifying that
the process is feasible requires computing the available credit limit",
but there was no mention of credit limit in the initial description of
this precondition. Could you explain how this precondition *should* be

In the description of how #Num is bound it says "Verifying that the
process is feasible requires computing the available credit limit, which
is than associated with the variable #Num", but where/how is this
processing/binding specified?

Also, my understanding is that SWRL is the language which will most
commonly be used to specify Expressions, so why not use that instead of
DRS/Kif. The fact that SWRL is more readable than DRS/Kif IMHO is
another reason to prefer it for explanatory purposes over DRS/Kif.

(P. 8,9) 
Where is the binding of the variables ?creditCard and ?purchaseAmt

What exactly do the various axioms in the expressions represent? For
example is (credit-limit ?creditCard) a function call which must
evaluate to true, or a fact which must exist in the KB?


On Fri, 2004-06-25 at 18:33, Drew McDermott wrote:
> With some trepidation, I've attached the draft of the new process 
> technical overview for Release 1.1 of OWL-S.  Comments welcome.

Received on Monday, 28 June 2004 17:33:12 UTC