Re: [OWL-S] OEs in the 1.1 Profile

At 19:43 20/06/2004 -0700, David Martin wrote:
>Therefore, it seems better to me that we also use the new Result class to 
>express the OEs of Profile.   (That is, we eliminate hasEffect and 
>hasOutput and create profile:hasResult, which runs parallel to 
>process:hasResult.)  In this way, it'll be more straightforward to trace 
>the relationships between the OEs of Process and Profile, and reasoning 
>code that looks at the Results of a Process can also be used in looking at 
>the results of a profile.

This sounds like a good idea. I am all in favour of the profile simply 
being a more abstract version of the process model but only coverning 
aspects that relate to its outer envelope description.


Received on Monday, 21 June 2004 05:03:39 UTC