Re: [OWL-S]: proposal to collapse ProcessModel and Process

> This sounds bizarre, as one could argue that a profile provides the  
> black-box representation of a service (in addition to operational /  
> non-functional parameters), whereas the process model provides a 
> glass  box view.  As a consequence they are intimately related, thus  
> necessitating that the author of a process to be aware of or keep 
> track  of the related profiles.  In fact, what is the utility of 
> having a  profile that differs (and possibly contradicts) the process 
> model,  other than perhaps to optimise the behaviour of a given 
> mechanism for a  given matchmaker or discovery service?

If the Profile is a black-box view of a service, and the process a 
glass-box view, what is the purpose of the SimpleProcess class? Is it 
really needed? Isn't the purpose of SimpleProcess to provide a 
"black-box" view of a CompositeProcess?


Received on Thursday, 17 June 2004 05:34:09 UTC