Re: FW: updated service model

At 09:33 16/01/2004 -0500, Katia Sycara wrote:
>This is the latest version of the WSA arch service model. However, we are
>still having discussions about simplifying it; some members would like not
>like to have goal or goal state at all and have just task, actions and

Yes, there are process models that are entirely activity based, and some 
that are entirely about state change and world state 
goals/conditions/effects.  This is an argument that has gone round the AI 
planning community for over 20 years too. There are planners based on 
either one of the extremes... and it can be shown that you can transform 
one to another with work and a certain perverseness in modeling 
approach.  In reality most people mix the two - occasionally finding it 
convenient to model them at one extreme or another.  Going for one rather 
than the other will definite be wrong for a large part of the community we 
want to serve.  And not have longevity.


Prof. Austin Tate, Artificial Intelligence Applications Institute, Informatics,
University of Edinburgh, Appleton Tower, Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9LE, UK
Tel: +44 131 650 2732 Fax: +44 131 650 6513 E-mail: 

Received on Friday, 16 January 2004 10:14:42 UTC