Use of rdfs resource in Service.owl

We have tried parsing
We noticed that Service.owl contains the following:

- <!--   Providing a service   
- <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="provides">
rdf:resource="" />
- <owl:ObjectProperty rdf:ID="providedBy">
rdf:resource="" /> 

We understand the intention of the use of rdfs resource is such that a
"service" is provided by just a URI reference.

However, according to OWL spec [1], and subsequent exchanges in the
rdf-logic list [2,3],
OWL S&AS excludes rdfs:Resource completely from OWL DL. Which means an
OWL-DL conforming parser should NOT let this go through.

We have been thinking about ways to get round this. One way is to have a
OWL Class called URIReference. 
But at the end of the day it depends on the original intention of such a
definition. The question is:
is it the intention of the OWL-S team to have this in OWL-Full? 


Received on Monday, 12 January 2004 09:54:42 UTC