Re: [OWL-S] Who does what?

>  > > [Drew]
>  > > The problem with the first scheme is that it works fine as long as
>>  > the participants are more or less in synchrony.  But as soon as they
>>  > diverge somehow (even pause from communicating with each other while
>>  > they communicate with other parties), then either you have to
>>  > represent the Cartesian product of their states;
>>  [David]
>>  Who has to represent the Cartesian product?  I guess you must be
>>  thinking that each enactment engine would have to do that; in other
>>  words, each enactment engine is keeping track of all the possible states
>>  of all of the participants.
>No, I was thinking that if the process must represent its entire state
>in situations such as the one in which A and B have broken off
>contact, then A and B will be behaving for a while as if completely
>unsychronized, and so the possible states of the "process" will be the
>Cartesian product of the possible states of A and B during that

Right.  And just as an observation, if y'all are hoping to use any 
form of the situation calculus to do this reasoning, y'all are 
completely dead in the water at this point. In fact, this kind of 
example (or more generally, any er, situation, in which there is more 
than one process going on and you don't have total information about 
the exact timings) is going to kill off any situation-calculus or 
STRIPS-type pre/postconditions reasoner.


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Received on Monday, 5 January 2004 15:54:31 UTC