Re: [OWL-S] Profile, textDescription

Well, I don't exactly object, but I'm not sure I see the motivation, 
either.  I thought Dublin Core was mainly about classifying documents, 
like for library purposes.  I'm not aware that it has anything to say 
about services (?).

OK, a service is a resource, and I guess Dublin Core is basic provenance 
for any kind of resource.  But if there are only one or two DC elements 
that apply (description, name), I'm not sure it it's worth the added 
overhead of using it.  The more there are, the more useful it seems.

I agree that we shouldn't have the cardinality restriction on text 

Cheers, David

Bijan Parsia wrote:

> One small, but measurable, good we might do is to specify how to use 
> Dublin Core Metadata elements in OWL-S. This is cropping up in WSDL (at 
> my instigation) to handle versioning of interfaces and files, so we 
> might as well thrash some out here.
> For example, we have the property on a profile "textDescriptoin". Why 
> not either sameProperty or subProperty dc:description? Or, better yet, 
> just *use* dc:description?
> I notice we restrict the textDescription cardinality to being 1. That 1) 
> precludes providing translations of the description in different 
> languages, thus hurting internationalization and 2) precludes having 
> different "level" of description, say, suitable for a tooltip as opposed 
> to a web page, or for a novice rather than an expert.
> Cheers,
> Bijan Parsia.

Received on Thursday, 26 February 2004 02:05:01 UTC