Re: [OWL-S]: Proposal for 1 new control construct

At 17:26 09/02/2004 -0800, David Martin wrote:
>Here's an initial strawman proposal for this new construct, which 
>indicates the use of a Web service that's defined elsewhere.  It's 
>syntactically about the same as the "invoke" construct proposed earlier -- 
>but it doesn't carry the same implications about what's going to happen where.
>We've been calling one of these things a "Reference" in conversations, but 
>to me that's not really very helpful, so I'm proposing  "Use". Other 
>suggestions are welcome.  ("Employ", "enact", "execute", "do", "run", 
>"apply" ?)

We are really talking about a more abstract specification of a process as 
opposed to something that can be directly invoked with some known protocol 
I assume.

PIF work (which was the basis for the core of NIST PSL) used a term 
"perform" for an activity if that is useful.  It may be sufficiently far 
from the lower level direct "invoke" (invocation of a service) to be helpful?

Received on Tuesday, 10 February 2004 05:15:19 UTC