Re: [WSDL] Message Typing: Example and Comments

Hello all,
            Some time back, I wanted to deploy a set of web services which uses RDF/XML 
for input and output and I essentially adopted the technique suggested by Bijan in his 
first question. Below is a service that takes in a keyword and returns a list of items 
that match the keyword. There are certain problems with this approach though. The example 
service takes in a keyword as an input and produces a list of Items in an ItemList.

- keyword - string
- ItemList
	- member
		- Items

Even for such simple class descriptions, the schema is obscenely verbose. I had to embed the schema 
definitions for keyword and ItemList using the <xsd:choice>. If anyone has a more concise way of describing
this thing, please let us all know. Also, it will interesting to see if one could design a tool that takes
in class definitions in OWL and convert them into an XML schema.

<xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://stuff/IProvider.xsd" <http://stuff/IProvider.xsd>
                 xmlns:xsd="" <>
                 xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" <>
                 xmlns:effects="" <>>
       <xsd:element name="RDF" targetNamespace="" <>>
             <xsd:element name="ItemList" targetNamespace="" <>
                   <xsd:element name="member" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
                                targetNamespace="" <>
                       <xsd:attribute ref="rdf:resource" type="xsd:string"
                 <xsd:attribute ref="rdf:ID" type="xsd:string" form="qualified"/>
             <xsd:element name="keyword" type="xsd:string" nillable="false"
                          targetNamespace="" <> 

  <message name="ItemLookUp0Request">
     <part name="req" element="rdf:RDF"/>
   <message name="ItemLookUp0Response">
     <part name="resp" element="rdf:RDF"/>

The service accepts a keyword and outputs ItemList. The SOAP response 
looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns:soapenv="" <> 
xmlns:xsd="" <> 
xmlns:xsi="" <>>
   <RDF xmlns="" <>>
    <ns2:ItemList ns1:ID="instanceOfItemList" 
xmlns:ns1="" <> 
xmlns:ns2="" <>>
     <ns2:member ns1:resource="http://thisone"/ <http://thisone>>
     <ns2:member ns1:resource="http://thistwo"/ <http://thistwo>>
    <ns3:keyword xsi:nil="true" xmlns:ns3=""/ <>>

As can be seen, the xml fragment within the <Body> element is valid 
RDF/XML syntax if one moves the xsi namespace declaration into the RDF 
Incidentally, this message is generated by Apache AXIS and some hacking 
probably can remove the <keyword> element in the above message altogether.

Bijan Parsia wrote:

> Hey folks,
> In WSDL 2.0, an operation is a message exchange pattern (MEP) 
> instantiated to a set of specific message "types" for each place in 
> the MEP (with a few other things). The types in question (intuitively) 
> describe the content of the message (there's some ongoing wrangling 
> about headers, but, let's ignore them for the moment ;)).
> At the moment, WSDL 2.0 only has built in support for XML Schema 
> element declarations (as types of messages), and has non-normative 
> support for DTDs and RELAX-NG. So, there are two issues here:
> 1) Whether to add, normative or not, support for "Semantic Web" type 
> systems, e.g., OWL and RDFS
> 2) How these types should be used to describe messages.
> These correspond, roughly, to additions made to the {types} component 
> (section 3 or appendix D) and the {message reference} component 
> (section 2.4).
> (URIs for these sections;
>     Section 2.4, Message Reference:
>     Section 3, Types:
>     Appendix D, Examples of Specifications of Extension Elements for 
> Alternative Schema Language Support:
> )
> Now, I want to put aside the question of normativity for the moment, 
> mostly because I think there are a series of technical issues that I'd 
> like to get a better handle on.
> First question: What to (current) semantic web services deployers and 
> consumers *want*? For some sorts of services, e.g., query or inference 
> services, it seems like the current proposal is sufficient. If you are 
> passing in a OWL ontology and expecting to get back entailments, it 
> makes sense to use an rdf:RDF element for the input and an rdf:RDF 
> *element* for the output. If you want to use a different serialization 
> (say, the owl presentation syntax, or the DIG xml syntax) then you 
> still are passing elements. We might want to distinguish RDF/XML 
> documents by their owl species (perhaps via mimetype), but, again, 
> this seems to be solvable with the current system. Non XML 
> serializations could be handled now by, for example, elements of 
> simple type, e.g., <n3>:a :b _:c</n3>. (This might be used for 
> services that covert between RDF/XML and N3.)
> However, in my OWL-S experience, people seem to want to describe the 
> inputs and outputs (not necessarily the input *messages* and output* 
> messages) of a services with OWL Classes. I've become a little 
> confused, in general, as to what that *means*, especially for OWL that 
> describes non-computational entities, but ok, be that as it may. No, 
> wait, don't be that as it may. The issue is that in WSDL, the types 
> describe the messages, and do we want to say that the first input 
> message to a services is a wordnet:Person?  Or do we want to leave 
> messages (at the WSDL level) described by elements (or simpleTypes) 
> and layer OWL individuals and classes above that (something similar to 
> how OWL-S does now)? 

We think that the industry might not be very interested in services that 
produce RDF/XML as output; especially the ones who have already deployed 
web service based systems (that use XML) and have a mature 
infrastructure for managing and using web services. We probably should 
look at ways by which semantics could be plugged-in to an existing 
system. This is also OWL-S position (XSLT templates to convert XML to 
RDF/XML) as Bijan has mentioned.

However, when RDF becomes an houseold name :) , maybe people might be 
interested in services that produce OWL entailments as the output.


> Second question: Do we want to deal with the "Decker question"? That 
> is, what information *must* be passed, and what information *must not* 
> be passed between services. For example, if I claim that a services 
> requires a Parent as input, and Parents are Persons, and Persons all 
> haveParents, how much of the ancestory tree must I pass? (It could get 
> quite large!) It really depends on the service. Similarly, knowing 
> that someone is a Parent means that you know that he or she has at 
> least one child. For some services, you might not need to know 
> anything more about the children, for others, the actually number of 
> children is critical, and yet for others, the number and names and 
> perhaps other information is critical.
> In some distributed systems, this might not be quite a problem. E.g., 
> in a linda/tuplespace like system, there information may be all shared 
> (though, still, you might want to know what information a service will 
> examine *before* you invoke it). In a chatty agent setting, you might 
> expect the inital message to merely start the conversation, and futher 
> information to be requested on demand (that still leaves the you might 
> want to know in advance what will be required, either for efficiency 
> or privacy).
> It would be nice if we had some means of specifying the information 
> that must be communicated. Designing such a means is definitely out of 
> scope of the WDSL group, at least for this go around. It might be 
> right for some Query group. If, however, what we're passing in 
> messages is results of queries (for example), then it would seem that 
> the message's type *isn't* naturally an OWL Class. At least not the 
> obvious OWL class of "Person".
> *********
> The simplest proposal that might not work is to allow for OWL Classes 
> (or rdfs, whatever) to be exposed in the Types section as a series of 
> URIs (do we need non class individuals or properties? We can always 
> use a nominal singleton class for either, I suppose, though, for the 
> latter, that'd automatically shove you in owl full), and introduce an 
> attribute that refers to them. What gets passed over the wire, in a 
> message, is, by default, the identifier of relevant individual who is 
> a member of the appropriate class. There is some care needed to 
> identify by which KB/ontology this individual is known to be of that 
> class (or, for example, an RDFS agent might send a cat where the 
> disjoint class of dog was required because it couldn't detect the 
> contradiction).
> Thoughts, comments, data points? Screams of pain still welcome.
> Cheers,
> Bijan Parsia.

Received on Sunday, 8 February 2004 16:43:34 UTC