[owl-s] profile:inputs/ouputs and concepts


I'm involved into web services matchmaking and I don't know how to do a 

I'm doing the matchmaking both on the category of the web service and the 
inputs and outputs.

For the category, i'm using the profile:ServiceCategory who provides me a 
service category name and 
and URI for the taxonomy. 
So i'm able retrieve those informations (owl-s api) and doing the 
inference with my engine (Racer).

But for the Inputs and the Outputs, i don't know how to proceed.

I would like to be able to "link" my inputs/outputs to one concept or 
several ones. 

Currently, I'm using the fact that owl-s allows inconsistency between the 
profile and process
to store my concepts with profile:hasInput/profile:hasOutput while my 
match the real web services parameters.

There is certainly a (far) better way to do it.

Thanks in advance.


Received on Thursday, 5 August 2004 12:35:17 UTC