- From: David Martin <martin@AI.SRI.COM>
- Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 23:43:24 -0700
- To: public-sws-ig <public-sws-ig@w3.org>
======================================= Minutes of SWSL telecon - April 8, 2004 ======================================= Participants: BG Benjamin Grosof BP Bijan Parsia DB Daniela Berardi DM David Martin DMc Deborah McGuinness RH Rick Hull SB Steve Battle SM Sheila McIlraith scribe: SB DM: We welcome new member Massimo Mecella, a senior researcher from the University of Rome, who has worked in the area of e-services for at least five years. DB: Are there any cheaper ways to call in from Europe? DM: Unfortunately, the service provider does not offer toll-free calling from different continents. DM: Reminder about the upcoming face-to-face and DAML-PI meetings. Those who require additional funding with the fees shouldn't be backwards in coming forwards. Contact Jack Howard. BG: WWW-2004 had a policy this year that e-commerce papers should be submitted to EC-04, collocated with the WWW-2004 conference. BG giving a tutorial, "E-Commerce applications of semantic Web Services". Straw proposals --------------- DM: The straw proposals will help us to focus and collaborate. BG: We could present (OWL-S +rules +attachments +ontologies) on May 6. Let's not have more than one per week. BP: It would be good if we had a matrix to keep track of this stuff. This would include the specific features of a proposal, providing an evaluation scheme. DM: This could also include categories from the requirements documents. RH: We're putting in a consolidated straw proposal jointly with Sheila (OWL-S extended into FOL + behavioural signatures). BP: Call it a 'stick' proposal then? SM: Concerned that April 29th is too early to present this in detail. May 13th? DM: We can rally the OWL-S people together for April 29th. BP: I'd like to present "Spiralling out from choreography" as late as possible. BG: We should address opportunities to combine ideas from different proposals. DM: Can we have three sentences on each? SM (a friendly 'channelling' of Michael Kifer) on the F-logic + CTL proposal: This will use F-Logic as the object system in conjunction with Concurrent Transaction Logic to describe the process model. Its uses the O-O aspects of f-logic together with the CTL ontology of actions & change. BP: You need not only the ontology but the theory. How do they work together? F-logic translated into 1st order logic is amenable to interacting with CTL. SM on the 'stick' proposal: Define the semantics of the language in 1st order logic - originally this was known as FOWL (First Order Web Language). Use PSL as the working hypothesis for the process model. The aims are to provide a syntax for SWSL with a concrete plan for delivering a solution. It must have tool support and an accompanying implementation. BG on the combination configuration problem (or OWL-S++): We do without the process model and use rules and ontologies as the base. Represent semantic descriptions using RuleML type rules, procedural attachments and ontologies. Factoring out the process model will speed up what we can do in the short term. The approach is compatible with f-logic programming: with the same "negation as failure" starting point. It is a way to extend the expressiveness of OWL-S incrementally. People are conceptually more familiar with non-monotonic reasoning - people use the closed world assumption a lot. But you don't have to choose, we can use both in a coherent fashion. BP "spiralling out from choreography" (pi-calc): Choreography has ruled out adding business sense. We should add these things. The "why" will specify the abstract behaviour. RH: This will tie business intent to actions. DM on OWL-S We want to preserve the core strengths of OWL-S, and explore OWL-S as the lynch-pin of the SW world with commercial process modelling technologies. Explore the use of SWRL and continued use of tools such as DL reasoners. SM: Trying to arrange a time for a pi-calculus presentation. DM: Can we defer until after the face-to-face? SM: What about next week, April 15th? Use-cases --------- DB on travel planning e-service - composition use-case: Different classes of client may wish to execute e-service operations in different orders. Services may be discrete, atomic operations or present long-running, interactive behaviour. This may be described in either a message-oriented or service-oriented way. Client requests may have a 'one-shot' use by a single client, or they may be re-used by other clients in the same class or more generically. SB on Amazon.com: This is about enterprise integration through cross-enterprise business process. There are essentially two primary use-cases - one buyer oriented and one seller oriented. Corporate buyers may wish to integrate with their own purchasing processes. Third-party sellers can participate as zShops or enter into the Amazon Marketplace. The semantic challenges include the description of choreographies, the matching of offers, and the demands of complex XML data-flows. Actions ------- *BG to send URL to ACM E-Commerce conference EC-04. *BG to present (OWL-S++ proposal) on May 6. *SM,RH,DB to present 'stick' proposal on May 13. *SB to refine Amazon use-cases.
Received on Monday, 19 April 2004 02:44:39 UTC