Re: Profile has_process usage?

Rune Peter Bjørnstad wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm a bit puzzled by the has_process functional property of the OWL-S
> Profile ontology. Why is it included when the Service ontology already
> provides the association? 

It's a good point.  Clearly the information is redundant.  It was left 
in the profile ontology simply as a convenience.  That is, a convenience 
for a matchmaker or tool (or human reader) that needs to navigate from a 
profile to the corresponding process model.  But clearly it's a very 
minor convenience.

By the way, in the Congo example the has_process
> property refers to the Process Model and not a Process.

Ah, you are right.  That's a mistake, and I'll make sure it gets 
corrected in the next release.  Thanks for finding it.

David Martin

> Kind Regards,
> Rune Bjørnstad.

Received on Wednesday, 14 April 2004 17:03:28 UTC