Re: Attempt to use Owl rule language to express preconditions in Congo

Hi Drew,

Would <drs:And> be the top-level element?

I guess this says that the atoms are to be treated in conjunction, do we 
have something on top of all this that classifies it as a formula?



Drew McDermott wrote:

>   [David Martin]
>   Would it perhaps make sense, then, to define Formula in the drs 
>   namespace (or use whatever term drs already uses for formulas), rather 
>   than putting this new thing in the process namespace?
>Yes, it would.  We'd get:
>       <drs:And>
>           <drs:conn_args rdf:parseType="Collection">
>               <owl:individualPropertyAtom>
>                       <owl:propertyPredicate 
>                                  rdf:resource="&congoUserProfile;accountExists/>
>                       <owl:argument1 rdf:about="#AcctID" />
>                       <owl:argument2 rdf:about="#Password" />
>               </owl:individualPropertyAtom>   
>               <owl:individualPropertyAtom>
>                       <owl:propertyPredicate 
>                                   rdf:resource="&congoUserProfile;creditExists/>
>                       <owl:argument1 rdf:about="#AcctID" />
>                       <owl:argument2 rdf:about="#CreditCardNumber" />
>               </owl:individualPropertyAtom>   
>           </drs:conn_args>
>       </drs:And>
>                                             -- Drew

Monika Solanki
Software Technology Research Laboratory(STRL)
De Montfort University
Hawthorn building, H00.18
The Gateway
Leicester LE1 9BH, UK

phone: +44 (0)116 250 6170 intern: 6170

Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2003 14:04:56 UTC