Introduction - Thanassis Tiropanis


I am a researcher at Athens Information Technology (AIT)
and I am W3C AC rep for my organisation who recently
joined the consortium.

Our interest in this group is in the area of Semantic Web
Service composition using AI planning techniques and
we have a special interest in the business aspects of
composite SWS based provision and in integrating
WS negotiation and AI planning.

The "Intelligent Web Technologies" group at AIT is also
interested in WS Security, Service Oriented Architectures,
Grid Intelligence and Semantic Grid applications for
eLearning and eGovernment.

Best regards


Dr Thanassis Tiropanis
Athens Information Technology - AIT
Building B7, 19.5 km Markopoulo Ave.
PEANIA  190 02, Athens, Greece
Tel: +30 210 668 2778
Fax: +30 210 668 2703

Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2003 03:53:51 UTC