Introduction - Mark Burstein

My name is Mark Burstein. I am a member of the DAML-S Coalition that 
developed what is now OWL-S, and am also co-chair of the Semantic Web 
Services Initiative's (SWSI) Architecture Committee, along with Christoph 
Bussler. My background/interests are in Mixed-Initiative Planning for 
Agent-based Systems, tools for Knowledge Acquisition/Knowledge 
Representation and machine learning techniques involving Analogical or 
Case-based Reasoning. Recently I've been looking at ontology mapping and 
interoperability issues relating to the use of semantic web services, 
primarily through a collaboration with Drew McDermott at Yale University.

* Dr. Mark H. Burstein <>
* Director, Human Centered Systems Group
* BBN Technologies
* 10 Moulton Street
* Cambridge, MA 02138
* Tel: 617-873-3861
*  Fax: 617-873-4328

Received on Friday, 7 November 2003 14:36:11 UTC