Re: 1st CfP: Workshop on Human-Semantic Web Interaction (HSWI’14) at ESWC2014

Milton, thanks
Just make any edits you manage, and as soon as I finIsh writing papers
hopefully soon, I ll wrap up
whatever is we have gathered so far-


On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 7:56 PM, ProjectParadigm-ICT-Program <> wrote:

> i am willing to jump in and help on the report needed for February, Paola.
> Will get back to you.
> Milton Ponson
> GSM: +297 747 8280
> PO Box 1154, Oranjestad
> Aruba, Dutch Caribbean
> Project Paradigm: A structured approach to bringing the tools for
> sustainable development to all stakeholders worldwide by creating ICT
> tools for NGOs worldwide and: providing online access to web sites and
> repositories of data and information for sustainable development
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>   On Thursday, January 9, 2014 7:15 AM, Paola Di Maio <
>> wrote:
>  Thanks a lot, well done
> I ll try to submit a paper :-)
> happy new years all!!
> I ll work on wrapping around the first report for this community sometime
> in february
> if nobody has acted on this  before
> best
> On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 3:29 PM, Martin Voigt <>wrote:
> Hi all,
> here we go: the CfP of the next workshop of our SWI group! Please, spread
> it to all people in your departments who may be interested. I also attached
> a PDF with the call.
> We are looking forward to receive many good papers from you :-)
> Best,
> Martin
> --
> -----------------------------------
> Dipl.-Medieninf. Martin Voigt
> Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
> Technische Universität Dresden
> Fakultät Informatik
> Institut für Software- und Multimediatechnik
> Lehrstuhl Multimediatechnik
> 01062 Dresden
> Tel.: +49 (351) 463-38037
> Fax : +49 (351) 463-38518
> Web:
> E-Mail:
> Skype: m.voigt.1982
> ############################
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------
> Call for Papers
> 2nd International Workshop on Human Semantic Web Interaction (HSWI 2014)
> in conjunction with the 11th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2014)
> 26th May 2014, Crete, Greece
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------
> "A key innovation opportunity in the Semantic Web is making it easier for
> end users to produce, share, and consume structured data [...] We have to
> study end users to understand their needs, build tools to meet those needs,
> and assess how those tools work for them."
>  - David Karger, from his keynote at ESWC 2013 -
> To advance and consolidate the development of Semantic Web (SW)
> technologies and applications, a strong interdisciplinary approach is
> required. Amongst others, SW technologies imply new challenges for user
> interaction - and especially end user interaction - beyond those already
> posed by Web technologies and interactive systems in general. Some of the
> challenges to Semantic Web Interfaces are:
> * SW technologies provide a new set of innovative functionalities, which
> require equally innovative interfaces to be enjoyed
> * Interfaces are required for datasets of which the schemas are not yet
> fully known at design time
> * UIs for datasets where there is as much information in the links between
> the resources as in the resources themselves
> * Interfaces need to be able to deal with different levels of granularity
> of data and information.
> * UIs for information that is automatically derived from potentially
> incomplete and imperfect data
> * Control over data/information delivery, due to size and complexity of
> data sources
> The HSWI workshop aims to explore and evaluate good practices in interface
> design, and ultimately feed into possible recommendations for standardizing
> and consolidating knowledge and good practices into a set of guidelines for
> semantic web developers, to ensure the usability and reasonably functional
> user experiences of the next generation of Semantic Web applications.
> The workshop addresses researchers and practitioners from the fields of
> human computer interaction, as well as researchers from the Semantic Web
> community applying such techniques to the Semantic Web and Linked Data. The
> goal of the workshop is to provide a platform for knowledge exchange
> between the different research communities, and to foster future
> collaborations.
> The workshop invites papers on approaches, methods, evaluations, case
> studies, and lessons learned on topics such as:
> * Visualization in semantic interfaces
> * Natural language interfaces to the Semantic Web
> * Semantic Web applications and tools addressing the needs of end users,
> both for creating and consuming Semantic Web data
> * New interaction techniques for the semantic web (e.g., gesture- and
> touch-based interaction with the Semantic Web, mind-web interfaces, etc.)
> * Models for specifying structure and behavior of Semantic Web interfaces
> * Sensemaking
> * Semantic search interfaces
> * Semantic applications on mobile devices, taking into account on-board
> sensors
> * Using Semantic Web technologies in user interfaces of existing systems
> * User studies and evaluations of Semantic Web interfaces and applications
> For providing a forum for sharing novel ideas, HSWI welcomes a broad
> spectrum of contributions, including:
> * Full research papers
> * Position papers
> * Case Studies
> * Descriptions of Experiments
> * Evaluations
> Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers
> related to the aforementioned topics. We invite:
> * regular papers (8 to 12 pages)
> * short papers (4 to 6 pages)
> All submissions are required to be in PDF format. Long and short paper
> submissions must be formatted according to Springer’s LNCS format (
> Papers that exceed the maximum pages or do not follow the LNCS guidelines
> will be automatically rejected without a review. Papers that exceed the
> maximum pages or do not follow the LNCS guidelines will be automatically
> rejected without a review. All submissions will be reviewed by members of
> the Program Committee. Additionally, your submission may be accompanied by
> a short video figure or interactive illustration to foster the
> understanding of your work.
> Please submit your manuscript using the EasyChair online submission system:
> Contributions will be selected based upon their quality as evaluated by
> 2-3 referees. Accepted papers will be published on the open-access platform
> CEUR-WS. Furthermore, the best papers of the workshop will be included in
> the supplementary proceedings of ESWC 2014, which will appear in the
> Springer LNCS series.
> At least one author of accepted papers is required to register at the
> conference.
> * Deadline for submissions: March 3, 2014 (23:59 Hawaii Time)
> * Acceptance Notification: April 1, 2014
> * Camera-ready papers: April 15, 2014
> * Workshop: May 26, 2014
> The Organizing Committee members and the Program Committee members are
> mentioned at
> #######################################################
> Further Details:
> #######################################################

Received on Thursday, 9 January 2014 14:33:50 UTC