Re: back from the dead? note to selves

Thank you Martin

yes, a refresh (looks more like resuscitation to me) would be useful  ;-)
as leo put in his notes, references are missing from the note

I didn't know this resource but a refresh is maybe a good idea to promote
> some new findings. With regard to a previous email: are we as the SWI group
> required to set up such  usability guidelines?
I don't think we are 'required' but since we are on the case, I think we
could aim to leverage on the knowledge and expertise generated by this
group by issuing some guidelines,
if we cannot do so 'immediately' - say, by the end of this year - we could
still make a summary of lessons learned or whatever actionable outcome we
may come up with

As soon as the special issue is dealt with, I ll start a document, if
nobody else does before


> Best,
> Martin
> Am 19.09.2013 18:46, schrieb Paola Di Maio:
>  wonder if anyone on this list could be interested in
>> giving freshening up  this page,
>> if not, consider this a note to our shared self  :-)
>> are there any other  URLs that need resuscitating?
>> Please add to this thread! thanks
>> PDM
> --
> ------------------------------**-----
> Dipl.-Medieninf. Martin Voigt
> Research Associate, PhD student
> Technische Universität Dresden
> Faculty of Computer Science
> Institute of Software and Multimedia Technology
> 01062 Dresden
> room:     INF2067
> phone:    +49 (351) 463-38037
> fax :     +49 (351) 463-38518
> web:**voigt<>
> email:
> skype:    m.voigt.1982
> linkedin:**martin-voigt/9/3a0/64b<>
> twitter:!/m_a_r_**t_i_n<!/m_a_r_t_i_n>

Received on Friday, 20 September 2013 10:13:24 UTC