Papers invited and co-chairs

Greetings SWISIGers

Just to give everyone an update on what's going.

This SWISIG Community was started, among other purposes,  to serve as  Hub
to help define and  synthesize  the state of the art in semantic web
interfaces and crystallise some lessons learned and recommendations .

The main activities group members are working on currently are:

- the  workshop @ wims 13
- the  SWJ Special Issue

I really would like to thank everyone for helping to spread the word, and
especially Roberto and Heiko for jumping on board early, and driving
these activities to completion and for great team work.

We are pleased to report that reviews for the workshop are finished, and
invitations for the accepted papers will be sent out today-
and authors of relevant abstracts submitted for the SI have been invited to
submit a full paper.  More updates will follow.

We hope that authors of papers which have *not*  been accepted by reviewers
 for presentation at the workshop/special issue to make a short but
meaningful contribution by presenting their work to this virtual community,
with a web based talk.

Thank you also to Benji Nowack and Martin Voigt for volunteering to serve
this Community, see their entries here:

We'll soon be making a tentative co-chair appointment plan

if someone is thinking of making themselves available please enter details

Anything else someone wants to talk about ? :-)

Look forward to developments


Received on Wednesday, 20 March 2013 13:22:12 UTC